In celebrity news that somehow surprised even me, Kim Kardashian has taken to her blog to prove to us on video that she wears size 27-waist jeans. I guess a lot of people didn’t believe her, which is understandable ( considering ), but Kim isn’t doing herself any good by squeezing into jeans that are disproportionately Spandex-stuffed.
While Kim is off Internet-shouting that “JUST FOR YOU NON-BELIEVERS, I WILL POST A VIDEO BLOG OF ME SHOWING YOU GUYS MY SIZE 27 JEANS LATER TONIGHT!” the rest of the normal people are laughing at her need to prove “non-believers” wrong. As one of the sane commenters said on her site, “You must be really insecure to take all of this time to prove something like this. None of your fans actually care, why should you?”
Kim will be on Dancing with the Stars in plenty of revealing gowns, so she’s obviously not fat. We’re stepping back in time for the second time this week! Now we’re defining women by a number, thanks to Kim. I don’t want to think where we’re headed by Friday…