Eight years back, a notable moment was registered in television history when Donald Trump was a guest on Jimmy Kimmel Live! However, fans of the show know that the particular interview in question, which took place before Trump’s venture into presidential politics, stood in stark contrast to how the late-night host, Jimmy Kimmel , would later respond to Trump’s rise in the political arena. Back in 2015, one highlight was Kimmel’s commentary on a striking statement from Trump’s physician, proclaiming the GOP leader would be the ‘healthiest individual ever elected to the presidency.’
As per Variety , this led Kimmel to amusingly ask how Trump received such an extraordinary commendation from the doctor, sparking a playful exchange between them. In fact, Trump responded, “I said, doc, I want to tell you, I will be the healthiest president ever. And he said, hmmm. I think I agree. And I think he probably took my words and put them down.” The host playfully prodded at the Republican’s anecdote, showcasing the lighter side of their dialogue (keep in mind this was almost a decade ago).
Kimmel, in his characteristic style, also touched on the political climate of the time. “Mr. Trump was in Las Vegas last night – for the fifth Republican debate,” he commented. “It’s like the political arena decided to throw a party and invited everyone—more viewers than ‘The Voice’!” Kimmel further added, “It’s like they traded the podium for a stage and made politicians the new celebrities in town. Who needs a red carpet when you’ve got a debate stage?”
In a humorous suggestion reflecting on the debate dynamics, Kimmel quipped, “My biggest takeaway from last night is that, whoever wins the election, we need to force Jeb Bush and Donald Trump to live in a house together with cameras on them 24/7.”
Reflecting on this interview now, it’s evident that the tone and approach taken by Kimmel towards Trump were markedly different from his later criticisms post-Trump’s election. Earlier this year, on Jimmy Kimmel Live! , the host took a moment to address a controversial religious statement made by the former President. For context, Trump surprised many by invoking a religious angle during a rally in Iowa in December 2023. “If you had a real election and Jesus came down, and God came down and said, ‘I’m gonna be the scorekeeper here, I think we’d win there, I think we’d win in Illinois, and I think we’d win in New York,” Trump said, as per Rolling Stone .
Kimmel, known for his comedic take on politics, couldn’t resist responding to this as he humorously remarked, “First of all, if Jesus comes down, you’re going straight to hell,” as reported by HuffPost . Kimmel went on to add, in his signature style, “No White House. No jail. Jesus is like, “You’re out.”
This article originally appeared 10 months ago.