Heidi and Spencer were snapped this week checking out Malibu homes and engaging in the usual “romantic” mack-sesh to remind us that they are totally infatuated with each other. From the looks of The Hills Season Four trailer (yeah, I watched it), they are really good at faking getting along. The weird thing is that they weren’t faking looking at properties– and are aiming at the $10+ million range. TMZ confirms that they were not *just* posing for pictures :
So we thought it was a big publicity stunt, until we called the realtor who showed the property. Sandro Dazzan says they’re “serious buyers,” although he doesn’t think they’ll pull the trigger right away. Dazzan stunned us when he said they can afford the $12 million beach house right now, but that they’re “at least six months” out from being able to afford the bigger house [for $15 million].
Do you think that Spencer’s going to cover this one in lame-as* graffiti and vintage arcade games?