Heath Ledger’s mother, Sally Bell, spoke to People today in an exclusive interview and said that her son’s Golden Globe award and other honors will eventually go to his daughter Matilda. Ledger’s mom revealed that “At this stage she is only so young, but down the track she will have all these things. It will belong to her because she is part of him.”
She stated that Ledger’s role as Joker in The Dark Knight was a role he loved, and she’s “bursting with pride” about his recent accolades.
“It is such a fantastic and wonderful legacy for his daughter. Matilda will have so many people who will be able to speak to her about her father’s abilities and [the] respect he had in the industry. That is such a wonderful legacy to leave,” she told the mag.
Bell heard about the win as she was getting on a flight in Australia, and she admitted that the news was emotional and that there were “a few tears.”