Many prominent Evangelicals were quick to criticize Bill Clinton when he cheated with Monica Lewinsky in 1998. Yet those same leaders have remained oddly silent in the wake of Donald Trump’s alleged affair with former porn star Stormy Daniels. Why isn’t the Christian right speaking out against Trump’s infidelity?
Evangelicals Ignore Trump’s Affair
According to NY Daily News , Trump allegedly cheated with Daniels back in 2006, after Melania had just given birth to their first son together, Barron. The two crossed paths during a celebrity golf tournament and later hooked up in Trump’s hotel room. The affair remained a secret during the election because Trump paid Daniels $130,000 in hush money to keep quiet.
So far, prominent members of the Evangelical community have turned a blind eye towards Trump’s scandal, something they didn’t do when Clinton was in office.
“The seamy facts under public discussion are shameful enough,” Gary Bauer, former leader of the Family Research Council, said in 1998 after Clinton’s affair broke. “But fascination with this story should not be allowed to obscure the deeper lesson these incidents impart. That lesson is this: Character counts — in a people, in the institutions of our society, and in our national leadership.”
Why Aren’t Christians Criticizing Trump?
Tony Perkins is the current head of the Family Research Council, and he hasn’t said a word about Trump’s alleged affair. Just last month, Perkins praised Trump for bringing Christmas back to Washington. And Perkins is hardly alone.
Pat Robertson, who lobbied for Clinton’s impeachment, hasn’t condemned Trump, and James Dobson, who told the public that Clinton’s affair was a “profound moral crisis,” just told his followers to support the president through praying and fasting.
How can Evangelicals, who rightly condemned Clinton’s affair as being morally wrong, remain silent in the face of Trump’s cheating scandal?
Trump Denies Cheating Scandal
Trump has continuously denied having an affair with Daniels. His lawyer, Michael Cohen, also released a statement that was signed by the former porn star that denied the reports. Some critics of the allegations point out that the story is nothing more than tabloid gossip, yet Daniels admitted to the tryst in an interview with In Touch back in 2011.
The outlet has been slowly releasing details from the interview, which paint a pretty poor picture of Trump’s commitment to Melania.
More Details Leak About The Affair
Daniels’ story has been backed up by two individuals: Randy Spears and Mike Moz. Randy, a good friend of Daniels, revealed that she told him all about the affair. Per Randy, Daniels described her sex with Trump as being boring and said that Trump liked it when she made fun of him.
Daniels also feared that Trump would try to pay her when the deed was done and isn’t sure why she hooked up with him in the first place.
Daniels has not spoken about the incident in public since 2011 and likely won’t move forward. Donald Trump continues to deny the affair, though he hasn’t said anything about the $130,000 he paid Daniels.