Megan O’Brien is a size zero, but she decided to spend $35,000 on liposuction to get rid of a stubborn tummy the Los Angeles woman called “Gus.” It’s a decision destined to inspire hate in plenty of size 18s.
But just hold on a minute. The beauty blogger wrote a piece for Harper’s Bazaar to explain her motives, and perhaps they only prove that whether a woman is a size zero or the aforementioned 18, she’s still going to be unhappy with her body.
Megan didn’t immediately turn to liposuction when she couldn’t lose weight, she told People .
“I’ve had this stomach forever. When I quit smoking, that’s when it got out of control. I was only eating chicken and salads, and going to the gym five days a week with a personal trainer for an hour a day, and I looked really good – except for my stomach.”
In fact, her belly was so obvious – even when dressed – that strangers often congratulated her on her pregnancy.
Despite being a size zero, the 38-year-old found her weight pooling around her middle, and she tried everything to rid herself of it. In fact, her first visit to the plastic surgeon to decide if liposuction was the right option (and this particular doc makes patients audition and rejects them should their pleas for plastic surgery be insufficient) met with an order to work out more.
She did. Still, “Gus” stuck around. She went back to the doctor, who was more receptive this time — perhaps a little too much so, she wrote.
“‘Yes, that … is hereditary, part of getting older.” He paused and then pinched under my chin. “This is also fat you can’t exercise away. I’ll remove that as well. The smoking hollowed out your face, so I’m going to take the fat from your stomach and put it into your cheeks to fill your face out.’”
He also offered to remove some bags under her eyes that she didn’t know she had.
When her surgery was over, O’Brien had to spend a couple of weeks in uncomfortable recovery. Now that “Gus” has finally been tamed, her response is strangely unenthusiastic.
“Could I have lived a perfectly fine life without it? Without a doubt. Do I feel like a new person? No, but I do feel like someone who can go out confidently in a bathing suit.”
Size ZERO Megan O’Brien spends over $35k on liposuction to get the perfect figure: Megan O’Brien, from… #health
— Food & Places (@supergreatjess) May 28, 2015
So why do it at all? O’Brien points out that any woman in Hollywood would be lying if she denied getting work done — because she’s fears being judged. Megan made no secret of her choice to have more plastic surgery, (she’s had a boob job, her lip plumped and has hair extensions); she announced it on Facebook and made a little video about it.
But what exactly compels a woman who is already a size zero to get liposuction in the first place? Perhaps a little bit of soul searching and a big dose of body confidence was all she really needed.
What do you think?
[Photo Courtesy YouTube Screengrab]