The first eviction in Big Brother : All-Stars is complete, and one houseguest has been sent packing. The Thursday episode of Season 22 saw Keesha Smith sitting next to Kevin Campbell on the block, and a unanimous vote sent one of the reality stars home. By a vote of 13-0, Keesha was evicted first on BB22 . This is quite the opposite of her time on BB10 where she made it to the final four and was voted America’s Favorite Houseguest.
After the votes were revealed to the nominees, only Kevin seemed surprised by the outcome, while Keesha appeared to have expected it. The latter even hinted in her plea before votes were cast that she knew she was going home, as she only wished “some” of her roommates well. Kevin’s jaw dropped when Julie Chen announced it was a unanimous decision to keep him safe, and he will live to fight another day.
During her exit interview with Julie, Keesha revealed she was talking about Cody Calafiore and Enzo Palumbo in her speech. She said the two men promised to tell her if she was going home ahead of the eviction, but instead, they avoided her all day and told her nothing. She also explained that there were some houseguests who did keep her in the loop but did not name them.
Shortly after Keesha departed, the second Head of Household (HOH) competition of the summer was underway. The 14 eligible houseguests watched two videos of a family having a Big Brother watch party over a video chat. As the dysfunctional family (all played by the same man) fought and conversed, the remaining players watched, trying to memorize every background, detail, and conversation. After several true or false questions, Memphis Garrett was crowned the new HOH.
Memphis’ win was quite the shock as there were five players still in the comp right before he won. The last true/false question resulted in four wrong answers at once, leaving the veteran as the last player standing. This marked the first time Memphis has ever been HOH, as he never held the coveted spot during his time on BB10 , despite making it all the way to the final two.
The new HOH victory is a big win for Cody, who can almost certainly count himself safe as he and Memphis solidified a final two this week, known as The Commission. Others who are in a broader alliance with the duo include Nicole Franzel, Christmas Abbott, Tyler Crispen, and Dani Briones.