Warning: This article contains spoilers for Big Brother Season 21.
It looks like a major player could be sent out the door in Week 6 as plans are coming together to boot one houseguest out this coming Thursday. As The Inquisitr previously reported, Jessica Milagros is the newest Head of Household (HOH) and nominated Jack Matthews and Jackson Michie for eviction.
Discussions on the live feeds Saturday afternoon are suggesting that Michie will likely be the one who goes home in the next eviction. At first, the house was divided on which of the Jacks was the main target, but over the last few hours most of the targeting ended up on Michie’s back. At this time, Jack is the main target of HOH Jessica, but the rest of the house seems to have their sites on the Tennessean.
Kathryn Dunn originally was going to protect Michie and planned on throwing her vote at Jack, but recent discussions with Analyse Talavera have suggested she no longer wants to keep her former hook-up buddy.
“I would be good with [Michie] going. I don’t want Jack going. Jack has done nothing to wrong me except for maybe flip the votes,” Kathryn told Analyse.
There has been major drama between Michie and Kathryn all season, as the latter has been on the receiving end of the macho man’s aggression for the last few weeks. Christie Murphy wants Michie gone more than anything, especially since she is so close with Jack. Tommy Bracco is also pulling for Jack to stay, meaning another vote will be thrown Michie’s way come eviction night.
What’s interesting about this week is that both Jack and Michie have commented that they will not use the Power of Veto if they win it, keeping themselves on the block against one another. The men are confident they have the votes to stay and their pride is preventing them from wanting to use the POV. Since both are on the block, they cannot place a vote on Thursday night, nor can Jessica, who is forbidden since she is HOH.
As of Saturday afternoon, this is who the houseguests are planning to evict come Thursday if nominations stay the same.
- Nicole: Michie
- Kathryn: Michie
- Cliff: Jack
- Nick: Undecided
- Christie: Michie
- Tommy: Michie
- Analyse: Michie
- Holly: Jack
It will take five votes to be evicted this week, and a tie would put the week in the hands of HOH Jessica, who will likely send Jack home.
Of course, anything can change in a minute in the Big Brother house and a completely new target could come into play after the POV competition.
Big Brother airs every Sunday, Wednesday, and Thursday night on CBS.