The Big Brother 18 house has been full of drama, deception, and backdoor plans during Week 9, with lots of flip-flopping about who the target would ultimately be on Thursday night.
The POV (Power of Veto) meeting didn’t turn up many surprises; Paul used it on himself, and Michelle Meyer, the current co-HOH, nominated Corey Brooks. For awhile, it looked like Michelle wanted to nominate Nicole Franzel, but she decided to put Corey on the block with the plan to send Victor Arroyo out of the Big Brother house on Thursday evening.
As the Big Brother 18 fans saw on last night’s episode, Natalie Negrotti won the HOH (Head of Household) competition. America picked Michelle for Week 9 Care Package, which gave her the advantage of safety and a special power. She was able to live in the HOH room with Natalie and named one of the two nominees. They put Paul Abrahamian and Victor on the block.
Paul is still awake and studying for today’s veto competition. #BB18
— Big Brother Feedster (@BBFeedster) August 20, 2016
Big Brother Network reports that Michelle is on board with the decision to evict Victor on Thursday’s live show. They plan to lead him to believe that he is safe, only to send him out the door. Victor could very well end up earning his way back into the house with the jury buyback competition later in the week.
Joker Updates reports that Nicole had to say on camera (flashback to 3:30 BBT) that she will not give anyone a cash gift in exchange for working with her. James Huling said he would give Natalie, Corey, and Nicole $10K for working with him. Big Brother production wanted to make sure that she made it perfectly clear that she won’t accept nor give any money away for working with her or James.
Big Brother 18 spoilers tease that Victor asks Paul if he thinks he should ask James if he’s going home this week. Paul says tells him to stay quiet for now but to say something right before the live show. Victor reveals that he has to know, or he’s going to be anxious all week about the vote on Thursday. Victor decides that he’ll talk to James on Wednesday night or early Thursday. He plans to say if he’s being evicted, just tell him, so he isn’t blindsided.
Big Brother 18 spoilers indicate that Victor decides that he’ll talk to James on Wednesday night or early Thursday. He plans to ask him if he’s being evicted. Victor adds that he has a feeling that he’s the target of the week, and he told Paul not to be surprised if he leaves the house.
“I have to know, bro or I will be all sketched out all week.”
Big Brother 18 spoilers indicate that Michelle tells Natalie that it’s time to get Paul out because she doesn’t want to be around him anymore. She reveals “everything has to be his way or no way,” and she’s worried that he’s lied about not knowing anything about Big Brother. They wonder if he’s really a “superfan” and hiding his knowledge about the game.
Big Brother 18 spoilers indicate that Natalie adds that he has analyzed everyone in the game, and he uses their weaknesses against them. Michelle finds it interesting that for someone who claims “I don’t want to win,” he sure fought hard to stay in the game this week. They agree that Victor will go this week , and Paul has to be the next target.
rattled, confused, whiney, but still up for the old fish thru the head trick #bb18
— hamsterwatch #bbcan11 (@hamsterwatch) August 20, 2016
For the time being, the Big Brother house is pretty calm. Victor suspects he may leave this week, but he isn’t too concerned quite yet. Paul tries to patch things up with Nicole by asking her who told her he was a manipulator. Nicole tries to answer him, but in typical Paul fashion, he kept talking over her. The rest of the Big Brother 18 house catches up on sleep.
Big Brother 18 fans, who do you want to go home this week, Corey or Victor? Stick with the Inquisitr for more Big Brother 18 spoilers, news, and daily live feed updates.
[Image via CBS]