Big Brother 17 is less than two weeks before crowning a winner, and with five houseguests remaining, CBS has accelerated its schedule. Viewers will have a special eviction episode on Tuesday, and by the end of Wednesday’s episode, the final three will be set. Live feed viewers know who won Thursday’s Head of Household, and after Sunday’s special veto ceremony, the final nominees for Tuesday’s eviction are set.
Warning: Spoilers from the Big Brother 17 live feeds to follow.
On Thursday night, Vanessa Rousso was crowned the new Head of Household. Faced with the choice between two alliances — or two pairs in Vanessa’s view, Liz Nolan and Austin Matelson versus Steve Moses and John McGuire — she reportedly went through every possible scenario. She ultimately nominated Steve and John.
On Saturday, after John floated the idea of throwing the veto to Liz or Austin in exchange for their votes, John apparently changed his mind. He won the power of veto, leaving little question he would use it to save himself.
Vanessa spoke with everyone left in the house late into the night Saturday, as she tried to decide who was best to take to the final four. Although viewers might expect her to break up Austin and Liz, she implied to Austin that even if she did put him up, her target would be Steve. But her stated target seemed to change with every conversation.
During the veto ceremony, John saved himself. Vanessa named Austin as the renom, according to a report by Big Brother Network .
During Tuesday’s eviction, which will be pre-taped on Monday, John and Liz will vote. If there is a tie, Vanessa will cast the deciding vote. Although it seems certain Liz will vote to keep Austin, John’s vote is a bit more up in the air.
Although John and Vanessa have become closer the past couple of weeks, John has cast doubt that he is entirely in Vanessa’s corner, and might not vote how she wants. After his long conversation with Vanessa on Saturday night, he went to Liz and Austin and discussed the details of what she said, according to Big Brother Network .
John told Liz and Austin he was tired of playing nice and planned to blindside Steve.
Big Brother 17 airs Sunday, Tuesday, and Wednesday this week. Next week, there will be an episode on Sunday before the season finale on Wednesday, September 23, on CBS.
[Images: CBS ]