The BeastMode Challenge has gone viral. The highly physical challenge benefits American Sniper Chris Kyle’s Guardian for Heroes Foundation and Silent Warrior Scholarship Fund. Participants film themselves doing their best “BeastMode” and then challenge their friends to do the same.
“What is your BeastMode? Can you dunk basketballs, ride a bull, competively dance, shoot a gun, or throw a 100 mph fastball? Whatever your talent is, BeastMode for the Brave is aimed at raising awareness and monetary donations for our Veterans returning home from the battlefield. This online challenge is to show off and raise funds and awareness for Veterans with Post Traumatic Stress and disabilities. Have fun with it, be creative and serve those who have served us,” the BeastMode4Brave website says of the challenge to benefit the charities supported by American Sniper Chris Kyle .
Chris Kyle’s brother, Jeff Kyle, and Talon Smith of Stars Earn Stripes are the organizers of the BeastMode Challenge. The Silent Warrior Scholarship Fund aids veterans dealing with the “unseen aftereffects of combat.” The mission of the Silent Warrior Scholarship Fund and the Guardian for Heroes is to raise awareness and donations for American veterans returning to civilian life after time risking their lives on the battlefield.
“This is an opportunity not only to raise money, but to also make a decision to give your time,” the BeastMode website notes. “We need to show them their injuries were forged in honor and that we are proud of them and who they are as heroes and civilians,” the BeastMode Challenge organizers add.
BeastMode Challenge participants are instructed to craft a simple workout, record the activity, and then post the video to social media.
The BeastMode Challenge instructions and script which needs to be spoken by participants reads as follows.
“I have been challenged by (name) to go BEASTMODE for Chris Kyle and Vets with traumatic stress and physical disabiities. This is my BEASTMODE! [Do your BeastMode activity] What’s your BEASTMODE? I challenge (names) to show me up within 24 hours or you must donate $100 to BeastMode for the Brave” [Hold up a sign saying] Donate to Then tag your friends and use these #hashtags: #BeastModeForTheBrave #BeastModeMadeMeStrong #PTSSucks #ChrisKyle. Most importantly, help raise funds and awareness to support Guardian for Heroes Foundation and Silent Warrior Scholarship Fund.”
Will you be participating in the BeastMode Challenge?