An Air France bomb threat is thought to be a potential terrorist bombing plot.
The French anti-terrorist unit believed Air France flight 385 flying from Caracas, Venezuela to Paris might be the target for terrorists. Miguel Rodriguez, Venezuela Minister for the Interior, explained the Air France bomb threat:
“It was assumed that explosive had been placed on a plane to detonate in flight between Caracas-Paris or Paris-Caracas. So far the information we have is the intent of a terrorist group to place an explosive on a France [to] Venezuela flight.”
So 60 technicians, bomb experts and a canine team descended upon the airplane, which had fortunately been grounded by Venezuela before it could take off. While they searched the stranded passengers were booted into the terminal without even knowing what was going on. One man said he only heard about the Air France bomb threat through reading Twitter.
Authorities are also not wanting to discuss the results of the bomb search or which terrorist group is allegedly involved, whether it be Islamic terrorist groups like Hezbollah or al Qaeda, or if twas some other less known non-Muslim group. But recently Israel’s Defense Minister Moshe Ya’alon warned that Iran was using diplomatic cover to spread terrorism, which may have implications for the Air France bomb threat:
“The Iranians use diplomatic mail [pouches] in order to transport bombs and weapons, and we know that there are states in South America, like Cuba, Venezuela, Nicaragua and Bolivia, where the Iranian have terror bases, both in the embassies and among the local Shiite Muslim populations.”
And whether the danger has passed is also not clear. Even though authorities didn’t find a bomb on Air France flight 385, all flights going in and out along the route would be monitored. Interior Ministry spokesman Pierre-Henry Brandet didn’t provide many details about the safety measures but he did say they were taking the Air France bomb threat very seriously:
“It is obviously the principle of precaution. We cannot allow the least risk, run the least risk for passengers.”
Are you concerned the Air France bomb threat may indicate further attempt at terrorist bombing attacks using airplanes?