Kaitlyn Hunt Sent Back To Jail

Kaitlyn Hunt was sent back to jail to await her pending trial. Hunt age 19, reportedly violated a no contact order by exchanging texts with her alleged victim. She is charged with two felony counts of lewd and lascivious battery against a 14-year-old girl.

Hunt was 18 when she became involved with the girl. She maintains that the relationship was consensual. The younger girl’s parents disagree.

As reported by CNN, the girl’s parents contacted authorities about the relationship. Florida law sets the age of consent at 16. Therefore, Hunt was arrested for having sexual relations with a minor.

As a result of the arrest, Hunt was expelled from school. She now faces 30 years in prison and a label as a sex offender.

In a written statement to the court, Hunt’s attorney Julia Graves outlines some of her problems with the case:

” [the girls] were involved in a consensual relationship… it was something she consented to… Her opinion is ignored by the State… [she was] interrogated by the Sheriff’s Department, taken to a church that labels being gay a sin, has the Bible thrown at her, all of her things in her room boxed up and taken from her, is apparently hit by her parents… ”

Kaitlyin Hunt and her attorney contend that the younger girl’s parents cannot accept that their daughter is a lesbian. Hunt feels that she was arrested and charged simply because she is gay.

As reported by the Huffington Post, Hunt was released on bond following her first arrest. As a condition of the release, Hunt was prohibited from contacting the younger girl.

On August 6, the younger girl’s father confiscated her iPod. He discovered 20,000 text messages, photos, and videos that the girls exchanged. He took the iPod to police.

Kaitlyn Hunt was arrested for violating her bond. She was also charged with “transmission of material harmful to a minor.” She will remain in jail until her trial.

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