Quiche Thieves End Up In 5-Hour Police Standoff

Several thieves in England were arrested after they engaged in a delicious five-hour quiche stand-off with police.

The men broke into Cafe@Marshalls in Berwick-upon-Tweed, Northumberland in the early morning hours.

Apparently the criminals wanted to grab a bite to each, and breakfast quiche was their food of choice.

Speaking to The Telegraph, restaurant owner Angela Marshall:

Apparently they were hungry and wanted some quiche. There was a little bit of money in the till, but I think they just wanted food and then it got out of hand.”

Marshall and her co-owner husband received a call from police at approximately 1 am. When the cafe owners arrived at the cafe, there were approximately 15 police cruisers surrounding the location.

The two men were eventually talked down from their quiche theft, and they were charged with aggravated burglary.

According to police, the two men were armed with knives and refused to come out of the building. When they finally exited the structure, the men threatened more than 15 police officers.

In all fairness to the men, those knives may have just been on hand to cut through the delicious quiche they were hoping to steal and consume on the premise.

The men, ages 20 and 21, were arrested with no harm to anyone involved. The criminals names have not been released at this time.

Do you think a five-hour police standoff over quiche is funny, strange, or just plain crazy?

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