Bra Sizes Of Female Officers Mistakenly Emailed By Detroit Police Department

Bra sizes of female police officers were mistakenly emailed by the Detroit Police Department. Oops!

Assistant Chief James White says punishment may be coming after the mistake in which the bra sizes of officers were sent in an email to other officers.

The women had provided the department with height, weight, and bra sizes because they were to be issued bullet proof vests, according to the Fox affiliate.

Even though a man’s vest looks exactly like a woman’s on the outside, the inside is designed to fit both bodies, and for females this means having different cup sizes.

However these women never thought that the rank-and-file at the Detroit PD would end up knowing their most intimate details.

White stated that on the third page of said email the cup sizes for the female officers were listed by accident.

“Unfortunately and embarrassingly, the (bra) cup sizes of the females were listed on that third page, and it was really just a clerical error.”

Police sources said about three weeks ago, Commander Dwayne Love had to notify officers that their bullet proof vests were ready to be picked up.

That’s when the email made the rounds from the commanders, to the supervisors, and ultimately to the officers.

White says Love didn’t realize the height, weight, and cup sizes were included in the Excel spreadsheet until the email was sent out.

White described the situation as embarrassing and said after an internal investigation action will be taken to avoid a similar situation.

Love was said to be “a conscientious, hard working commanding officer”.

According to Fox Detroit, several of the female officers affected are filing grievances against the department and one complaint with the EOC. They feel that they have faced ridicule by their fellow officers.

White and Chief Craig plan to meet with the women to apologize and assure them this will never happen again.

What do you think of the bra sizes for the Detroit female officers making their way to a public email?

[Image via Shutterstock]

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