Cows Lost In English Town Alert Residents With ‘Wake Up Call’

Residents in small town England were awoken to the sound of mooing on early Monday morning.

The sounds were loud and concentrated as nearly 40 cows gathered in the streets after losing their way.

The cows escaped from Bongs Farm in Stockport, England and walked nearly two miles. The cows had to cross fields and even a river to make their way into town.

Residents Clare and James Small were two of the first residents to be woken up by the strange incident. Realizing the uniqueness of the situation, the couple took a photograph of the scene.

At first the couple thought someone was outside their window messing around with a smartphone ringtone.

James Small told the BBC that the cows lost outside his window was “the funniest wake-up call ever.”

Eventually the cows owner was located and he returned the livestock safely to their home.

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