70-Year-Old KO’s Young Intruder [Video]

Seventy-year-old Michael Salame is not to be trifled with. The retired welder managed to subdue a young home intruder without breaking a sweat.

Michael Salame has eight heart stents and nerve damage, but he can still throw down with the best of them. Around 3am on Saturday, Salame was at home with his girlfriend when he heard something outside.

Timothy Adams, 24, had shattered a window and climbed inside Salame’s home, but somehow found his way back outside when he walked through a door across from the window. Yeah, he’s not very bright.

Salame spotted Adams outside stumbling over his trash cans and called 911. But by then, Adams had found his way back inside the house and the two came face to face.

“I went to the other side of the house to call the police department and didn’t want to spook him so I didn’t turn any lights on,” Salame said. “I turned around and there he was, he was inside my house.”

At that point, Salame took the matter into his own hands. Well, fists.

“He came in and that’s when I grabbed him by the throat and slammed him down on the floor and told him to stay on the floor and not to put his hands in his pockets. I didn’t know if he had a knife or a gun on him,” Salame said.

“He managed to get up again and he tried to get up the staircase and I decked him three times with a right and he went down again,” he recalled. “I give him three good rights — I caught him right in the face. He went down and he never got up again.”

Adams went down, but attempted to parlay his way out of the situation by offering Salame $100,000. Salame didn’t buy it, and told the young man that he was going to jail.

Salame laughed about the story when he recounted it to WBZ NewsRadio 1030, and admitted it could have gone a lot worse.

“He was so doped up,” Salame said. “If he was sober or something it could have gone the other way but because he was so messed up, I grabbed him before he even knew what hit him. I thank God no one got hurt, besides him.”

Adams actually lives right up the street from Salame, as well. His mother said that her son was black-out drunk and didn’t remember anything but waking up in jail … presumably with a sore face. He has been charged with breaking and entering and destruction of property.

You can check out a video report of the 70-year-old man subduing his burglar below:

[iframe src=”http://www.youtube.com/embed/3792ap3X0VE” width=”560″ height=”315″]

[Image via: Jeanne McRight, Shutterstock]

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