Joe Biden Is An ‘Illegitimate President’ Elected With ‘Illegal Votes,’ Trump Official Says

Donald Trump’s White House trade advisor Peter Navarro claimed on New York City radio show The Cats Roundtable on Sunday that Joe Biden is an “illegitimate president” who was elected to the White House via “illegal votes,” BizPac Review reported.

“If we get an illegitimate and illegal president in Joe Biden on Inauguration Day without him being cleared of these possibilities of being president by illegal votes…this is history in the making,” he said.

“This country will make or break itself based on how this is handled. And I do not have a high confidence in our institutions at this point that they will handle this well.”

According to Navarro, he has “seen the Deep State” and “looked it in the eye.”

“It’s these bureaucrats who [were] around long before we were there and after we’re gone,” he said.

The Trump official pointed to figures like former Sectary of Defense Gen. Jim Mattis, former Secretary of State Rex Tillerson, and former National Security Adviser John Bolton as members of the purported group of shadowy government influencers.

The president and his allies have continued to claim that the 2020 election was influenced by widespread voter fraud but have yet to substantiate their claims. According to Democratic lawyer Marc E. Elias via Twitter, the president’s legal battle against purported electoral fraud consists of 59 losses and one win.

Still, Navarro has claimed otherwise and recently released a 36-page report called “The Immaculate Deception” that analyzed six crucial battleground states in the 2020 election — Georgia, Michigan, Arizona, Nevada, Wisconsin, and Pennsylvania. According to the report, there were various possible irregularities in the states, including ballot mishandling, statistical anomalies, and voting machine irregularities.

During a recent interview with Fox News’ Jesse Waters, the White House official touched on the report and made comments that echoed his remarks on The Cats Roundtable.

Although Trump’s battle against the electoral results has, thus far, not been fruitful, his supporters continue to back his efforts. As The Inquisitr reported, a recent poll from Rasmussen Reports revealed that just 56 percent of likely U.S. voters surveyed believed that Biden is their president, while 34 percent said he is not.

The results were notably divided across party lines, with 84 percent of Democrats supporting Biden’s role as incoming president and just 28 percent of GOP voters saying the same. Conversely, 61 percent of Republicans said that Biden is not their leader, with 34 percent of unaffiliated voters agreeing.

The pollster previously found that almost half of Americans believe the Democratic Party won the 2020 election illegally.

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