Juicy ‘General Hospital’ Spoilers: Duke Lavery Makes A Ghostly Return

General Hospital spoilers reveal that viewers will soon have the chance to watch a ghostly visit from fan-favorite character Duke Avery. The news came from actor Ian Buchanan, who played the character for most of the time he was on the show.

The latest Cameo video from the General Hospital veteran included that juicy tidbit. Luckily, viewers won’t have to wait too long to see this return.

Buchanan told the recipient of the video that he was one of the first to hear this fun General Hospital tidbit. The actor said that he expected his scenes to air soon, and it sounded as if they may come early next week.

While fans would love to see Duke magically brought to life somehow, that won’t be the case. Buchanan confirmed that he will be appearing as a ghost.

Anna Devane is slated to marry Dr. Hamilton Finn soon, and that certainly could be the catalyst for Duke’s brief return. Another possibility, however, is that this appearance could be connected to Julian’s storyline.

As Soaps in Depth detailed, Duke died in 2015. He was killed by Carlos Rivera, who had been working on behalf of Julian Jerome.

At the moment, Julian is backed into a corner as he tries to stay alive. Sonny is after him, and Julian knows that Cyrus likely wants to have a word with him as well.

General Hospital spoilers have teased that Julian will be gone for good, one way or another, very soon. Within the next week or so, fans should finally learn just how Julian is written out of the show. If Julian is killed off, it certainly is possible that Duke will appear to goad him as he passes away.

At the moment, General Hospital teasers shared by SheKnows Soaps don’t seem to hint at this return at all. Both Anna and Julian are involved in front-burner storylines right now, and it’s feasible to see Duke popping up in either of them.

“Living or a Ghost. I’m ALL FOR this. LOVE & miss Duke,” one viewer tweeted.

“I loved Duke and will be happy to see him, even if he is a ghost,” another Twitter user wrote.

Some General Hospital fans noted on Twitter that the show seems to have really missed an opportunity here.

Not long ago, the character of Holly Sutton, played by Emma Samms, was shown briefly on screen. Both Holly and Duke are iconic characters from the earlier days of the soap. Putting them in scenes alongside Robert and Anna could have generated some serious buzz.

Alas, it doesn’t appear that’s in the plans, nor is any sort of miraculous back-from-the-dead twist for Duke. Despite that, General Hospital viewers are happy to take an appearance by Buchanan in any way they can get them, so this is a welcome surprise.

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