Bride’s Kiss Saves Guest At Her Wedding

A bride’s kiss saved a guest at her wedding, in a situation that most wedding planning couples don’t consider when putting together their big day.

Of course, the bride’s kiss that saved a guest wasn’t a peck on the cheek — 24-year-old Kylie Cox of Cornwall in the UK was dancing with a male friend when something frightening happened, requiring the newlywed to think on her feet.

When Cox’s 28-year-old friend “keeled over” as they danced, the bride had to administer potentially life-saving CPR to stabilize him after the collapse.

Cox, a nurse, explains that her work training kicked in and helped her save the young man’s life:

“Our friend asked me for a dance, but while we were on the dance floor, he complained of feeling faint … I turned round to get him a chair and he collapsed. I rushed over and gave him mouth-to-mouth resuscitation … A bridesmaid, who is also a nurse, did the same and my uncle and another guest joined in to give him chest compression until the ambulance arrived.”

Cox and new husband Russell, also 24, had an intense wedding night after the bride kissed a guest — though not in the way most expect to:

” … me and Russell spent the first night of our marriage at the hospital, because we didn’t know whether our friend was going to live or die … The doctors told us it was a miracle he survived … He only had one drink all day as he was driving. He’s still in hospital, but he’s going to make a full recovery.”

While guests stayed on after the bride’s kiss saved the guest, the kindly newlyweds left their own party at 8:30 PM to stick it out with their lucky buddy at the hospital — and now the pair hope to re-do their reception, this time with no near fatalities.

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