Donald Trump Could Be Set To Return To WWE Television To Pay Off Debts, Per ‘TrumpMania’ Author

U.S. President Donald Trump could be set to return to WWE, according to Lavie Margolin, the author of TrumpMania: Vince McMahon, WWE and the Making of America’s 45th President, in a new interview with Wrestling Inc.

During the conversation, Margolin discussed the Trump administration’s business relationship with Saudi Arabia, which has continued after the assassination of journalist Jamal Khashoggi.

This led to the author discussing WWE’s business dealings with the country, followed by a discussion on how the president might show up on the company’s television shows in the future.

“If he is elected, I think everything is out the window. He’ll do more of what he wants, and then, if he’s not re-elected and doesn’t continue on, which aren’t necessarily connected elements, he’ll want to be back in the public eye. And that’s one of the first places that will embrace him, and there’s, from what I’ve read or heard, $450 million of debt to pay down. So whatever you can do, that’s certainly a good way to make a couple million.”

The author noted that the wrestling promotion is currently apolitical and rarely mentions Trump on television. However, he brought up UFC’s Dana White, who is a vocal Trump supporter, and how he has no problem mentioning the commander-in-chief while promoting his own product.

According to Margolin, this could open the door to Vince McMahon and his promotion doing the same. Now that UFC officials have endorsed Trump, the chairman choosing to work with the commander-in-chief might not be as controversial as it would have been before.

The chairman’s support of Trump has been well documented in the past. He’s donated to the president’s campaigns in the past, and the pair are known to be good friends.

Linda McMahon also served on Trump’s cabinet as the administrator of the small business administration. As of this writing, she’s the chairwoman of America First Action, a pro-Trump Super PAC.

Trump is also a company Hall of Famer who’s appeared on the company’s television shows and pay-per-views several times in the past. He was even involved in an on-screen feud with the promotion’s owner, which culminated in the chairman losing his hair in a Battle of the Billionaires match at WrestleMania 23.

As The Inquisitr previously documented, there was talk of Trump making an appearance on Friday Night SmackDown last year. It was believed that FOX executives discussed the idea with officials as they felt Trump’s presence would bring ratings to the show, which they paid $1 billion to acquire for the network.

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