Professional Sleeper Sought In Helsinki, For Hotel Testing

For everyone who still doesn’t know what they want to do when they grow up, a professional sleeper is being sought for a Helsinki hotel, in a job for which all but the insomniacs among us are supremely qualified.

The professional sleeper gig is hella sweet — but also short lived, just a month and a few extra days sleeping in the Hotel Finn in Helsinki, Finland.

But during the duration of the professional sleeper’s employment, catching some zzzs is a primary job function. As it happens, ability to doze is not the only skill needed.

Professional sleeper ideal candidates for the Hotel Finn in Helsinki are also expected to be good writers, a “dynamic person to write a quality blog” about their career snoozefest.

The gig is the idea of manager Tio Tikka, who says that the blog and the experiment should help promote the Hotel Finn after extensive renovations were carried out. (International press attention from the dream job posting probably won’t hurt, either.)

The professional sleeper needs to be fluent in Finnish as well as English (sorry, America) and Tikka says in a blog post:

“This person will share his thoughts, adventures and experiences of living in the best spot of summery Helsinki. So, prepare yourself for a blog journey that you’ve never read before.”

Although the Hotel Finn has no bar or restaurant for the professional sleeper, the lucky person knows in advance to pack some minibar accoutrements.

Described on their site as “the cheapest and the best hotel in the cold and expensive capital of Finland,” the lucky blogger will also have the run of the premises and can stay in all the hotel’s 35 rooms.

Do you have what it takes to be a professional sleeper?

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