Rep. Steve King Says ‘I Have Nothing To Apologize For’ After White Supremacy Comments

Rep. Steve King is announcing that he has nothing to apologize for despite being stripped of his committee assignments after making offensive remarks about white supremacy. Additionally, the Iowa representative says he will run in 2020 for re-election despite the controversy.

The Washington Post says that King announced on Thursday that he will be running for a 10th term in 2020 despite being rebuked by his colleagues on both sides of the aisle over comments he made in an interview with The New York Times.

In the article, he asked when and why the terms “white nationalism” and “white supremacy” became offensive. As a result, he was removed from posts on the House Judiciary, Agriculture, and Small Business committees.

But when asked recently if he was sorry for anything that he had said, or had any regrets, he blamed the dishonest media for the tumult and says he has “nothing to apologize for.”

King now says he has been the victim of bullying online and by the media.

“Each thing starts out with some formerly credible organization that launches this and then we have this phenomenon that America is not ready for, and that’s this cyber bullying that unleashes.?.?. creating a firestorm.”

In the fallout after The New York Times article, King denied he was “a white nationalist or a white supremacist,” saying instead that he is “simply a Nationalist.”

King says that he is looking forward and not back, saying that the next year will be a busy one as he works to regain his committee assignments and moves toward his 10th re-election. But The Des Moines Register says that King has his work cut out for him as he already has challengers in the Republican primary.

But King remains defiant.

“Don’t let the elitists in this country, the power brokers in this country, tell you who’s going to represent you in the United States Congress.”

But this is a change in tone for King, who voted alongside other members of the House of Representatives for censure of his comments in The New York Times, reports The Inquisitr.

King made a statement saying that he wanted all of his colleagues “on both sides of the aisle” to vote for the resolution, yet later he criticized Leader Kevin McCarthy for bringing the matter to a vote.

King says that he told McCarthy “to do what he needs to do, and I’ll do what I need to do.”

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