Inmate Finds Gun Left In School Gym By Kentucky State Trooper [Video]

Russell County, KY – Inmate Tommie Bryant found a Kentucky State Police officer’s gun in a high school gym. Bryant was at the Russell County High School on a work release assignment. The inmate is serving a 15-year sentence for burglary and handgun possession.

The Kentucky State trooper took both his loaded gun and his badge out of his pocket and put them behind him on the bleachers. After the game was over, the trooper forgot to grab his gun and badge when he left, The Blaze notes.

Inmate Tommie Bryant discovered the weapon and badge when he was cleaning the gym after the basketball game. The Kentucky inmate had this to say during an interview with WKYT:

“I was surprised. I was scared. Knowing that kids were just there, and kids could be coming back the next day at school. I know longer want to break the law. My rehabilitation tells me to do the right thing.”

Although Bryant is being hailed as a hero for his decision to immediately to return the gun to a school official, some district parents are not pleased with the scenario. School board member Gerald Murray noted that the gun could have been kicked and gone “off.”

The Kentucky State Police are investigating the incident and have not yet issued any disciplinary action against trooper Billy Gregory. The Russell County Jail is reportedly writing a letter of commendation for Tommie Bryant. The inmate has served two year and a half years of his sentence and is eligible for parole in September.

What do you think about the inmate finding the gun let in a school gym by a Kentucky State Police trooper?


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