5 Times Brett Kavanaugh Lied Under Oath: Supreme Court Nominee’s Statements And Evidence They Were False

As senators began reviewing documents from the FBI’s background investigation of Donald Trump’s Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh on Thursday morning, as The Washington Post reports, questions remained about the truthfulness of Kavanaugh’s sworn testimony to the Senate Judiciary Committee.

As Inquisitr has reported, former college friends of Kavanaugh say that he lied under oath about his drinking habits from those years — lies that would be important to establish the credibility of allegations that he committed sexual assaults while highly intoxicated. But Kavanaugh has sought to downplay the extent of his drinking.

His alcohol consumption and behavior while drunk were not the only topics about which Kavanaugh made false statements under oath, according to evidence gathered by several media outlets, including The New Yorker which found Kavanaugh’s Yale classmates who contradicted his testimony about his reported sexual assault on Deborah Ramirez.

Here are five documented falsehoods told by Kavanaugh in his sworn testimony to the Senate Judiciary Committee.


As Inquisitr reported, Kavanaugh testified that the phrase “Renate Alumnus,” which appeared in his high school yearbook entry as well as in the entries of about a dozen of his friends, was intended as a term of endearment for Renate Schroeder, a girl from a nearby Catholic school who was “a great friend of ours.”

But according to reporting by The New Yorker, high school classmates of Kavanaugh say that is far from an affectionate reference; the phrase was a “crude sexual boast” and a false one. According to one classmate, Kavanaugh and his friends talked about Schroeder “many times” and “the impression I formed at the time from listening to these conversations where Brett Kavanaugh was present was that Renate was the girl that everyone passed around for sex.”

Schroeder, who now goes by her married name of Renate Dolphin, told The New Yorker that she never even kissed Kavanaugh much less had sex with him, and that, “I did nothing to deserve this. There is nothing affectionate or respectful in bragging about making sexual conquests that never happened.”


During his initial confirmation hearings, before the sexual assault allegations against him surfaced, Kavanaugh was asked about a trove of emails stolen from Democratic servers in 2002. Kavanaugh was an official in the George W. Bush administration at the time, and he used the Democratic inside information in the emails to help formulate strategy to confirm Bush’s judicial nominees, according to a Washington Post report.

Under oath, Kavanaugh repeatedly denied that he knew that he was using information from illegally obtained emails and that he received stolen emails. But “that’s just FALSE,” Vermont Senator Patrick Leahy said in a Twitter posting on Wednesday.

Leahy went on to post emails to and from Kavanaugh that contained the stolen emails — which were hacked from Leahy himself. In the hearings, Leahy noted that Kavanaugh received one email about the hacking that came with the subject line “spying,” and when Kavanagh continued to deny that he knew anything about the hacking, Leahy (per PBS) remarked, “Judge, I was born at night, but not last night.”


Ramiez, who now lives in Boulder, Colorado, alleges that while at Yale, Kavanaugh, according to The New Yorker, “exposed himself, thrust his penis in her face, and caused her to touch it without her consent as she pushed him away.”

Kavanaugh testified that he was unaware of the Ramirez allegation until the magazine reported it just a few days before his testimony. But NBC News discovered that Kavanaugh “was personally talking with former classmates about Ramirez’s story in advance of the New Yorker article that made her allegation public.”

Not only did Kavanaugh know about the Ramirez allegations before the story was published and make efforts to persuade Yale classmates to refute them, but he also told Judiciary Committee staffers in a private interview that it was Ramirez who was calling around attempting to discuss the incident with classmates.


Palo Alto University research psychologist Christine Blasey Ford is the first woman to publicly accuse Kavanaugh of sexual assault, saying that the incident happened at a small party when both are in high school. But Kavanaugh testified, as Huffington Post reported, “She attended an independent private school named Holton-Arms, and she was a year behind me. She and I did not travel in the same social circles.”

But the teenage Blasey Ford (then known as Christine Blasey) testified that she dated a close friend of Kavanaugh’s — the same friend known by the nickname “Squi,” who was at a party listed on Kavanaugh’s own calendar as attending a small party on July 1, 1982, Vox.com reported. In an interview with the Senate committee prior to his public testimony, Kavanaugh said that he was, in fact, friends with at least “a couple” girls who attended Holton-Arms, and they likely turned up at the same parties that he did.

5 Times Brett Kavanaugh Lied Under Oath: Supreme Court Nominee's Statements And Evidence They Were False
Dr. Christine Blasey Ford at a Senate Judiciary Committee hearing September 27.


Kavanaugh in his testimony was asked about two curious terms that appeared in his high school yearbook entry, as well as in the entries of some of his friends. One phrase asks, “Have you boofed yet?” and the second is a reference to “Devil’s Triangle.”

Kavanaugh testified that “boof” was a reference to “flatulence.” But according to interviews by New York Times reporter David Enrich, reported on his Twitter, with Kavanaugh’s classmates, “boof” was not a synonym for flatulence at all. In fact, as Forbes Magazine health care blogger Bruce Y. Lee reported, “the term ‘boofing’ is to refer to the act of putting alcohol or psychoactive drugs like cocaine or ecstasy into your rectum, otherwise known as ‘butt chugging’ or ‘plugging’ or ‘alcohol enemas.'”

As for “Devil’s Triangle,” Kavanaugh claimed under oath that the term was the name of a “drinking game,” like “Quarters.” But as BuzzFeed pointed out, the term is commonly used to refer to a group sex act in which two men engage simultaneously in sexual activity with one woman.

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