‘Big Brother’ Producers Joked About Julie Chen’s Sign Off, According To Spoiler Account

Famed CBS personality and Big Brother host Julie Chen shocked viewers last Thursday evening during her sign off from the hit reality competition show. Julie normally closes each Thursday night show by saying, “From outside the Big Brother house, I’m Julie Chen,” but this week she shook things up in defense of her disgraced husband. Despite going by her given name for every episode of the last 20 seasons, Julie chose to add Moonves to the end of her name when closing out the night, which the Inquisitr previously reported on.

This caused Julie to become a trending topic on Twitter, something not normal for her or Big Brother. People noted that those in the Big Brother control room were shocked at Julie’s sign off and many gasped at her closing statement of the night. The outlet also reported that no one was upset, but a Big Brother spoiler account has gone a little more into detail about those reactions.

According to REALvegas4sure, a very popular BB production spoiler account, those in the control room found Julie’s sign-off funny. The Twitter account confirmed what People had said, claiming no one was angry about the addition of Moonves to her last name, but were actually happy to have the extra publicity that the statement gave Julie, and most importantly their show. REALvegas4sure also said Julie gave no one a head’s up on what she planned on saying and absolutely no one was in the know.

Julie Chen and Brett Robinson
Julie Chen with Brett Robinson just moments before the famous sign-off.

Keep in mind these are only the reactions from Big Brother producers and not CBS executives who hold all the power regarding her status with the show.

The popular Twitter account has been keeping Big Brother fans informed of Julie’s status on the show since the Les Moonves scandal broke, but currently has no updates regarding her continuing out the last two weeks. Fans are speculating that Julie will finish out Season 20, but will not likely return to the show for future seasons. Julie has also taken time off from her daytime talk series, The Talk, to spend time with her family.


For now, it’s unknown if Julie will return this Wednesday for Big Brother‘s first live show of the week. Keep up with the Inquisitr regarding her status with the popular reality series.

Big Brother has changed its schedule timing for this week with two evictions set to play out. Catch the CBS show when it hits the air Sunday and Wednesday for the first eviction at 8 p.m. EST, and Thursday for the second eviction at 9 p.m. EST.

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