Most Insane Fights Robert de Niro and Donald Trump Had in Public

When it comes to celebrity feuds, few have been as feisty and relentless as that between Rober De Niro and Donald Trump . These two titans are from vastly different realms— one an iconic actor and the other a real estate mogul turned president. As both share a never-back-down attitude, it seems unlikely that this war of words will end anytime soon, providing a constant source of drama and intrigue for their fans and detractors alike. Here’s a timeline of their clash over the years.
1. De Niro’s Relentless Verbal Jabs
De Niro has never hesitated to express his disdain for Trump. As per CBS News , in a 2019 interview, De Niro not mincing his words, stated, “He’s so blatantly stupid. He’s a punk, he’s a dog, he’s a pig, he’s a con, a bulls*** artist, a mutt who doesn’t know what he’s talking about, doesn’t do his homework, doesn’t care, thinks he’s gaming society, doesn’t pay his taxes. He’s an idiot.” In another incident, he once called him a “petulant little punk” and claimed he would never portray Trump on screen because “there’s nothing redeemable about him.”
2. The Tony Awards Showdown
One of the most infamous moments in their feud occurred at the 2018 Tony Awards . Introducing Bruce Springsteen, De Niro couldn’t resist delivering a scorching critique of Trump. He exclaimed, “I’m gonna say one thing…F–k Trump. It’s no longer down with Trump. It’s f–k Trump.” He said this raising both fists in the air. Trump, never one to back down, slammed De Niro on Twitter. He wrote, “Robert De Niro, a very Low IQ individual, has received too many shots to the head by real boxers in movies. I watched him last night and truly believe he may be ‘punch-drunk’. I guess he doesn’t…realize the economy is the best it’s ever been with employment being at an all-time high, and many companies pouring back into our country. Wake up Punchy!” De Niro later remarked, “He’s a con artist. He’s a huckster. He’s a scam artist. And what bothers me is that people don’t see that. I think that The Apprentice had a lot to do with that, which I never saw but once, maybe. It’s all smoke and mirrors, it’s all bullshit.”
3. Gotham Awards Grudge
At the 2023 Gotham Awards, De Niro said, “The former president lied to us more than 30,000 times during his four years in office, and he’s keeping up the pace in his current campaign of retribution. But with all his lies, he can’t hide his soul.” Trump clapped back and wrote, “He has become unwatchable both in movies and with the FOOLS that destroyed the Academy Awards, bringing them from one of the top shows in the country to a Low Rated afterthought…He has become a total loser, as the world watches, waits, and laughs!”
4. De Niro’s Comparisons to Dictators
As per Nicki Swift , over the years, De Niro has likened Trump to some of history’s most infamous authoritarian leaders. In a 2019 interview, he remarked, “He’s a piece of s**t who never should have been there in the first place. They all look funny. Hitler looked funny, Mussolini looked funny and other dictators and despots looked funny. What bothers me is that there will be people in the future who see him as an example but they’ll be a lot smarter…I don’t see a lot of difference between Kubrick’s totally insane General Jack D. Ripper and our totally insane Donald J. Trump.”
5. The Courtroom Clash
During Trump’s hush-money trial, De Niro took the unusual step of making public comments outside the Manhattan courtroom. De Niro warned, “We’d forgotten the lessons of history that showed us other clowns who weren’t taken seriously until they became vicious dictators. With Trump, we have a second chance.” As expected, Trump chose to hit back. He ranted, “Robert, whose movies, artistry, and brand have gone WAY DOWN IN VALUE since he entered the political arena at the request of Crooked Joe Biden, looked so pathetic and sad out there.” De Niro topped his comments and added, “I’m always very weary. I don’t wanna get too excited about anything. It’s as it should be. Justice has been served. That’s it.”