Fort Bragg Pulls About Face: Invites Lesbian Wife To Join Military Spouses Club

FORT BRAGG, N.C. – Ashley Broadway, lesbian wife of a female Army officer at Fort Bragg, was recently denied membership in its spouses club. Just this Friday she has been invited to become a full member.

The e-mail invitation came the same day as Military Spouse Magazine announced that Ashley Broadway had been named Fort Bragg’s 2013 “Military Spouse of the Year”. Broadway is married to Lieutenant Colonel Heather Mack, second time mother this week to the couple’s baby girl.

According to CBS News, Broadway said late Friday night:

“I’m pleased, I’m happy. As soon as things calm down with the baby, I want to get involved. I hate that it took so long for them to come to this conclusion. But I think things happen for a reason. I’m a very devout Christian. I’ve had faith in God this whole time. I think if anything it’s brought up a larger issue: We have two classes of service members and how they’re… not treated equally. … Looking back, it’s been a blessing in disguise because people are talking… in Washington, this is being talked about.”

In a report by The Inquisitr last month, Fort Bragg had denied Broadway membership in the officers’ spouses club because she does not have a military issue spouse identification badge.

According to the Washington Post, Broadway stated:

“I’m not one to hold grudges or anything. I hope to get to know these ladies and we’ll go from there — do activities, so that we can better the lives of people here at Fort Bragg.”

In a report by The Inquisitr, Fort Bragg’s reconsideration of Ashley Broadway follows her initial rejection of their invitation to “special guest membership”, as Broadway considered it demeaning.

The US Supreme Court is expected to rule on the constitutionality of DOMA (Defense of Marriage Act, enacted in 1996) in June. What do you think about Fort Bragg’s inclusion of lesbian wife Ashley Broadway into its military spouses club?

Fort Bragg

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