Chris Hemsworth Denies Rumors That Liam Hemsworth And Miley Cyrus Are Married

Rumors have been circulating that Liam Hemsworth and Miley Cyrus have finally gotten married. While there have long been rumors about their relationship, especially since they began wearing matching promise rings, in recent weeks those rumors have escalated. With Hemsworth and Cyrus visiting with his family in Australia on vacation, it seems that the couple has really gotten the rumor-mill going. Now it seems that Chris Hemsworth is chiming in to set the record straight.

According to Us Weekly, in a new interview on Sirius XM, Chris Hemsworth was talking about the upcoming Avengers: Infinity War, as well as his family, when the topic of Miley Cyrus and Liam and their possible marriage came up. The Thor actor said that as of right now, the couple is “not officially married.”

Chris Hemsworth was not the only person to weigh in on the wedding rumors, as another source close to the couple explained that if Miley Cyrus had in fact married Liam, she would have told her friends. Although there have been reports that Cyrus wants to have a relaxed wedding, the reality is that this discussion was more about what she would want and not what has actually happened. The source said that as of right now, Miley Cyrus has not told any of her friends that she is married.

This is not the first time that rumors have circulated that Cyrus and Liam Hemsworth have gotten married. With Chris Hemsworth confirming that a wedding has not yet taken place, it seems that there is no rush for the couple when it comes to finally walking down the aisle.

Besides sharing the fact that his brother and Cyrus have not gotten married yet, Chris Hemsworth also took the time to rave about the singer. However, he did have one apparent complaint as he joked about the fact that she is “expected to put on show and bang a few songs out, but she never does. I am insisting constantly.” He shared that he is always asking her when she plans to perform for him, but the reality is that he thinks she is a lot of fun.

Although Miley Cyrus and Liam Hemsworth may not be married yet, it seems as if Chris Hemsworth sees the singer as part of the family.

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