David-Louise Turpin Facebook Page Shows 15 People In Wedding Photos – Parents Arrested For Child Torture

Louise Anna Turpin, 49-year-old was arrested, along with 56-year-old David Allen Turpin, with the duo staring down at charges that accuse them of child endangerment and torture. A teenager escaped from the home that appears in the below video from KCAL. The house is located in Perris, California. According to the escaped and emaciated 17-year-old girl, the home represented a prison for her and her 12 siblings, with accusations that Louise and David kept the children (ranging in age from 29 years of age to a two-year-old) in dirty conditions that left them malnourished.

As reported by Heavy, the Turpins reportedly chained some of the children to beds with shackles, chains “and padlocks in dark and foul-smelling surroundings.” The duo was arrested on Sunday, January 14, with the above and below photos released by the Riverside County Sheriff’s Department soon thereafter.

According to KTLA, there were 13 victims discovered in the house and the Turpins are now being held, each slapped with $9 million bails. The house is located in the 100 block of Muir Woods Road, with Zillow reporting four-bedroom, three-bathroom homes as large as 2,604 square feet selling for nearly $430,000.

David-Louise Turpin Facebook Page Shows 15 People In Wedding Photos - Parents Arrested For Child Torture

The 17-year-old was able to escape the house Sunday morning and contact authorities. Even though she was 17, cops thought the teen was only 10 years of age, due to her appearing “slightly emaciated.”

In the wake of the crime story breaking, the Facebook page named David-Louise Turpin has been getting plenty of attention, with the most recent post showing that Louise updated her cover photo on July 24, 2016.

The Facebook account shows photos of the couple and 13 children, appearing to be part of a wedding.


The Facebook page is getting plenty of shares for the public photos, which do not show any comments on the page from the public.

A different Facebook page referenced as that of a family member of the Turpins is getting plenty of blowback for the actions of David and Louise.


When the remaining children were discovered, the small size of their bodies led authorities to believe they were all underage children, but responding officers were “shocked” to learn that there were seven adults in the group. Described as “starving,” the victims were provided food and beverages at the Riverside County Sheriff’s Department’s Perris Station as they were interviewed.

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