Kate And William’s MP Doesn’t Think U.K. Should Fund Royals, Yet Neglects To Mention Millions They Bring In

There was a recent report that Kate Middleton and Princes William‘s local MP (Member of Parliament), Emma Dent Coad, claims that the royals are “ridiculous,” and that Great Britain should “not be funding them.”

According to Sky News, Emma Dent Coad was speaking on Monday about Kate and William and the “the whole system,” stating that the royal family should not be getting any public funding at all.

She pointed out that the “disgusting” Kate Middleton just purchased $200 jumpers (sweaters) and complained “that’s a food bill for a family of four. That’s absolutely outrageous.”

Yet, the MP failed to mention the vast amount of tourism money accumulated because of the allure and popularity of the British Royal Family. Nor did she mention the royals’ important participation in the current “charm offensive,” as they have been visiting European Union countries in hopes to soothe fractured relationships, post-Bexit.

Although some believe that the royal family breaks even in what they bring in and what they spend, a few years back, The Atlantic reported on whether the royal family was “worth the money,” and the “charismatic megafauna for the entire royalty-tourism ecosystem.”

The esteemed publication used the example of African savannas: even if they no longer had elephants, people would still visit, but not in such great numbers.

In other words, maybe London and Great Britain would not be such a sought after tourist destination without the allure and glamour of the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge, as well as Prince Harry and his presumed future wife, American actress Meghan Markle.

According to Brand Finance, the “Kate effect,” “George effect,” and “Charlotte effect,” are all raking in millions and millions of dollars for British brands.

Kate Middleton is known to wear mostly British fashion designers, particularly Alexander McQueen and Jenny Packham, and she dressed her two children in British labels. Whenever she or her children wear a garment, it instantly sells out. This is pure gold to British labels.

Two years ago, BT reported that Brand Finance put the value of the British monarchy at nearly £57 billion. After they calculated the costs of the “Sovereign Grant, security and the upkeep of the palaces,” and subtracted that from the “surplus generated by the Crown Estate (£288 million), Royal Warrants (£134 million) and monies generated from tourism,” the royal family’s contribution to the British economy is estimated to be about £1.115 billion. That is not insignificant.

With the Brexit talks currently grating at other European Union countries, Great Britain has been hard at work sending out the royals on “charm offensives” to smooth over the jilted relationship with countries like Germany, France and Poland.

So, instead of an MP like Emma Dent Coad, they are sending out royalty. The star power of Prince William and Duchess Catherine cannot be beat!

When Wills and Kate visited Germany and Poland, this drew crowds with British flags, sharing their love for the United Kingdom. This drew worldwide attention, with daily reports of their visit.

If Emma Dent Coad had visited, it might get a slight mention at the back of a British paper, and not even covered in the international press.

What are your thoughts? Do you believe that the U.K. should fund the royal family members like Kate Middleton and Prince William? Do you think that the royal family winds up making more money for the United Kingdom? Or Do you think that the tax money is not worth it? Please share your opinions below.

[Featured Image by Chris Jackson/Pool/Getty Images]

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