Thousands Of Thirsty Women And Men Swarm Gainesville Police Facebook Page After Irma Post Shows Night Shift

“Hurricane Irma devastated the entire state of Florida over the weekend before finally weakening and heading out to disappear forever, but it seemed to leave a lot of people quite “thirsty.” In the interest of bringing a little bit of lighthearted fun to things, the Gainesville Police Department posted pictures of all they were doing to help out during and after the storm. All it took was one picture of the night shift to prove that even the cops may need protective custody.

So many people are dealing with losing their homes and possessions and everything they hold dear. Others are wondering how long it will be until they get power or water turned back on in their homes and can return to normal. A lot of emergency crews are doing everything possible to get life back in order as quickly as possible, and the GPD is joining in.

The GPD is joining in and posting about it on Facebook, much to the delight of anyone who follows their page. On September 10, 2017, there was one pic that started it all, and it showed three members of the night shift heading out to work Hurricane Irma.

The post originally stated, “Officers Nordman, Hamill, and Rengering…part of the night crew getting ready to do some work.”

From that point on, things took a very different turn, and the photo has more than 47,000 shares as of Tuesday afternoon, but the comments are what you need to stick around and read.

“This pic is exactly why your grandmother always told you to wear clean underwear in case you’re in an accident.”

“Y’all should do a calendar, where you’re half dressed, for charity..”

“Uhhh i have seem to suddenly have a tree down. ????????????????”

“Julie, this is EXACTLY why I made sure to shave my legs today! Haha!! Stay safe everyone!! #OfficerHottie”

A lot of the comments were quite similar in nature as many were making jokes about being frisked or having the handcuffs placed on them. Then, there were those who put a bit more work and effort into their comments and certainly did not disappoint.

“So, looks like my next vacation will be spent in Gainesville rolling through stop signs and driving with a tail light out every evening until I’ve been pulled over by the entire night shift. It’s gonna get expensive, and my insurance premiums will go through the roof from all those tickets, but… *fans self with a stack of travel brochures and birth control pamphlets*”

Some of those in the comments realize that these police officers may be in a bit of danger of their own. As one person said, “But who will protect these guys from an impending Cougar attack?”

Others appreciated them for giving a good laugh when everyone needed them most as another said, “Haha! These thirsty posts that not even a hurricane can quench! Thanks for the laughs Gville!”

After the night shift photo was posted, many of the new followers to the Gainesville Police Department page started going through their photo albums. One person even asked, “why is everyone at your department so hot?”

After the huge amount of comments and shares and like on the post, the GPD updated the original picture that ended up going viral. Those who were following along may have had their wishes granted and their dreams shattered all at the same time.

1. We are dying with the comments. You’ve actually made our chief blush with some of them.
2. MRS. Nordman and MRS. Hamill have also enjoyed knowing how millions of women are going crazy over their husbands.
3. We can confirm that Officer Rengering (far right with the amazing hair) IS SINGLE.
4. On another note, Officer Rengering is being placed into Cougar Prey Protective Care, similar to the witness protection program for his safety.
5. Please do not call 9-1-1 and request this group respond to your ‘incident’
6. There WILL be a calendar.

Thank you all for the hilarious comments…they have brightened our time up here. As for the calendar, we are going to try and do something fairly quickly and funds raised will go to Hurricane Irma recovery here in Florida.”

So, there will be a calendar coming your way, and the proceeds will go to a very worthy cause. Unfortunately, there appear to be more married than single men in the Gainesville Police Department, but there is always the chance you might get pulled over.

Over the weekend, the residents and tourists in Florida were extremely scared after seeing what Hurricane Irma did the Bahamas and other locations as it approached the United States. Many were left without belongings or homes, which now leads to the rebuilding process and trying to find some normalcy. Luckily, many emergency crews were there to help out, and that includes the Gainesville Police Department, which is now being followed by thousands of brand new fans looking to quench their thirst.

The bad thing is that they aren’t all single, but the good thing is that a calendar is on the way.

[Featured Image by Gainesville Police Department/Facebook]

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