7 year old breaks into wildlife park, feeds animals to a crocodile

Some readers may recall my post September 30 about a whale being euthanized with explosives in Western Australia. I said in that post that Western Australia was Australia’s wild west. The Northern Territory on the other hand is rougher again.

A 7 year old boy has been caught breaking into a wildlife park in Alice Springs in the Northern Territory, Australia. While small children breaking and entering may not be completely unique, what he did next most certainly is.

After breaking into the park, the boy feed a range of small animals, including species considered rare (as in not many of them) to the parks resident crocodile.

The boy fed a turtle, four western blue tongue lizards, two bearded dragons, two thorny devil lizards and a 1.8 metre Spencers goanna to “Terry,” a 9.8 feet (3m) 441 pound (200kg) saltwater crocodile. According to the SMH, the boy was also caught on camera bludgeoning to death a small blue tongue lizard and two more thorny devils.

As the boy is under the age of criminal liability in the Northern Territory, the wildlife park has said it may sue his parents for the loss of the animals.

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