Woman Rents Trump’s Old Home For $817/Night On Airbnb – Told By ‘John Barron Trump’ Via Ouija: Don’t Trust Don

There’s a reason that people are warned away from playing with Ouija boards, because they are called gateways to evil in some Christian circles. Apparently, taking a Ouija board into President Donald J. Trump’s childhood home can be even more terrifying. The article titled “The Haunting of Donald J. Trump” by Heather Dockray of Mashable explains what happened when Heather took some amateur ghost hunters to Trump’s childhood house to see what she could discover in the realms of the paranormal. After paying $817 for one night at the “PRESIDENTIAL HOME in Beautiful JAMAICA ESTATES,” as Airbnb calls Trump’s old house in Queens, New York, Dockray learned that someone named “John Barron Trump” claimed through the Ouija board that he was Trump’s secret brother — a guy who died the same year that 71-year-old President Trump was born: 1946.

The five-bedroom home is owned by Trump Birth House LLC, and Heather claimed it didn’t have hot water. Even though the house only housed a baby Trump for four years — and Donald was only a four-year-old himself when his dad moved them out of the home — apparently the house has garnered enough interest for people like Heather to rent the home. And the house is like a library of Trump’s past, with The Art of the Deal paperback books all over the place.

[Image by Lawrence Lucier/Getty Images]

There is even a plaque in the master bedroom where Trump may have been conceived. Using a variety of apps, Heather and her amateur ghost hunters were often led to the dining room, the kitchen, and near the toilet downstairs. But when she turned to her glow-in-the-dark Ouija board from middle school, Heather really started to receive messages. After about an hour, communications began with someone Heather called an “irony bro demon” who questioned her single status, said he wasn’t single and that he loved Trump and didn’t have any messages, except for “p****.” After that demon left, “JOHN BARRON TRUMP” showed up.

Heather realized that John Barron was the name of the publicist that Trump posed as in the 1980s when he spoke with journalists, either calling himself John Barron or John Miller. Heather learned from John that he died in 1946, the year Trump was born, and that Barron claimed to be Trump’s secret “BROTHER” — even though he wouldn’t tell them how he died. John said he lived in the refrigerator and that he loved to eat when he lived.

“Barron told us not to trust ‘DONALD.’ He warned us from entering the ‘BATHROOM.’ Before he left us, the spirit asked for ‘HELP’ three times — then vanished.”

[Image by Evan Vucci/AP Images]

[Featured Image by Marty Lederhandler/AP Images]

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