Trump On Twitter: DACA Dreamers, During 6-Month Period You Have Nothing To Worry About – No Status Action

President Donald Trump has caused confusion for folks affected by his recent decision to rescind DACA, after Trump turned to Twitter to tell the DREAMers that they have nothing to worry about over the next six months. Trump ended his Twitter tweet with, “No action!” As seen in the below tweet from Trump, the DACA tweet has been retweeted and liked thousands of times on Twitter, but the reply section of Trump’s tweet shows that there are plenty of questions and statements about Trump’s latest DACA tweet.

One popular reply to the @RealDonaldTrump Twitter account asked President Trump what would happen to undocumented children after six months, and if Trump would immediately deport them out of the country without notice. Another Twitter user admonished President Trump, telling him that clear rules around DACA being rescinded should have been put forth prior to a decision being made that has left DREAMers confused and scared. Others quipped that they didn’t think that Trump knew what DACA actually was, but that President Trump was simply undoing everything former President Barack Obama created. Twitter users reminded President Trump that his tweet was cold comfort for those worried about being deported — and not just via a six-month delay — but it was also confusing to those wondering how doing away with DACA would impact the rest of their lives.

President Trump was asked to imagine if Ivanka Trump had entered the U.S. as a 2-year-old and was forced to return to a country where she didn’t know the language or customs, nor have any livelihood. For those who defended President Trump by saying DACA folks should work on their citizenship status, they were shouted down by others who reminded them that DACA was one of the first steps to remaining in the country legally, because they trusted the government enough to give officials their names.

[Image by Pablo Martinez Monsivais/AP Images]

While Trump seemed to be softening his position on DACA, Trump’s confusing tweet represents a decision that flew in the face of basic human decency, according to one Twitter user. The DREAMers were defended against the profile of lazy, illegal immigrants sucking up resources that some of Trump’s supporters tried to paint in the comments section of his tweet. Instead, DACA folks were called young people who contribute to society by launching businesses, fighting in military conflicts for the U.S., and in a variety of ways.

[Image by Eduardo Munoz Alvarez/Getty Images]

[Featured Image by Pablo Martinez Monsivais/AP Images]

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