Homeless Man’s Pet Rabbit Thrown Into River, Saved By ‘Kiss Of Life’

Dublin, Ireland – A homeless man’s pet rabbit was thrown into a river by the king of jerks. According to RTE News in Ireland, the incident occurred near a bridge on the River Liffey in Dublin. Homeless man John Byrne was begging on O’Connell Bridge when his pet rabbit, named Barney, was snatched from his hands by passerby Gary Kearney and thrown into the icy river.

The homeless map leaped into the river to save his beloved pet rabbit, reviving Barney through a kiss of life before both were rescued by firefighters. For his act of animal heroism, the homeless man was given a Compassionate Citizen Award for going above and beyond the call of duty to help an animal in need.

On the other hand, king of jerks Gary Kearney pleaded guilty at Dublin District Court to animal cruelty and torture. The Irishman has been sentenced to four months’ detention for his needless act of animal cruelty.

Homeless man John Byrne has been living on the streets for 23 years. Panhandling on the bridge is a regular routine in his daily life. He owns multiple pets including dogs, so many nights he’s forced to sleep on the streets.

As for why he risked his life, he said he was in shock when he saw his pet rabbit swimming around in circles, unable to escape its impending doom.

“I wasn’t going to leave him there,” the homeless man told reporters while standing outside court. “I had to get him, I had to jump in to get him. Barney died in my arms. I got him under the bridge and gave him the kiss of life.”

What do you think about the homeless man risking his own life to save his pet rabbit Barney from the deathly clutches of the river?


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