Amy Duggar King’s Podcast Is Full Of Revelations About Her Family, Reality Stardom, And Pregnancy Plans

Remember when Amy Duggar King let the world know, through an Instagram comment, that she considers her cousins “fundies,” whose idea of a good time is sitting home sewing skirts and memorizing the Bible? Oh, and when she revealed that the Duggar side of the family was pressuring her into pregnancy? When her husband declared that marrying into the Duggar family didn’t mean he was jobless?

Those little sideline tidbits on how Amy feels about her family pretty much sums up the podcast she is now releasing with her husband, Dillon King, too. It’s about 45 minutes of Dillon and Amy talking about their beliefs and love life, with hints dropped in between about the rest of the Duggar family.

Episode 1 of the podcast (which they’ve titled The Southern Kings) centered on the couple’s feelings on relationships and how to keep a marriage happy. However, it opened with a slight dig at Amy’s Duggar cousins — Amy’s typical introduction that defines her as the cousin to the Duggar kids, but sets her apart as different from them.

“I kinda do my own thing.”

Later in the episode, Amy brings up the second Josh Duggar scandal, mentioning that there are hundreds of apps available for people to cheat on their spouses, saying, “It affected a member of my family.”

At the 44-minute mark, Amy goes a bit further — calling her family crazy.

Dillon: Care about…each other’s family. Here’s something that’s fun. We’re not going to get into that because that’s gonna be crazy.
Amy: My family? My family is crazy. I love my family though. I did call them crazy, but I do love them. I probably shouldn’t have said that. Sorry.

The conversation continues:

Amy: In-laws.
Dillon: In-laws.
Amy: I’ve got some awesome ones.
Dillon: I don’t have….I don’t have any numbers about it, so I don’t have a lot to say about it. I’m just saying, care about it. I’m not saying you have to love your in-laws, but…
Amy: I mean…
Dillon: Some in-laws are creepy.
Amy: A lot of them are.

Other than mentions of the Duggar family, the other major revelation in this episode is Dillon telling Amy (at about the 17-minute mark) that what she sees on The Bachelor is “not reality.” Since the two have spent their own time on reality TV, that’s an interesting statement about their experience.

Episode 2 is out this week, and it includes a few more revelations about how the couple interacts with the rest of the Duggar family. Inside the first few minutes, Dillon makes a reference to the “G-string” — music, not lingerie. Amy expresses surprise, calling him a troublemaker and saying, “No wonder my cousins don’t know how to talk to you!”

If Amy thinks the Duggar family doesn’t like Dillon because he says things that sound sexual, at the 15-minute mark she provides a more specific example. Telling the story of when Dillon first joined her in a visit to the Duggar home, Amy says that little Jordyn Duggar (who is only turning 8 this year, and who Amy says was probably 6 or 7 at the time) asked Dillon his favorite color — and he said black. Amy panicked — apparently liking black isn’t acceptable in the Duggar home. (She also discussed at the beginning of the episode that she likes to wear black, and expressed concern that people might think she couldn’t like black and still be a Christian.)

Dillon’s response, Amy indicates, was to tell the little girl that black is sexy. While Amy and Dillon found the idea of a elementary-aged child knowing the word “sexy” to be a matter for debate, Amy made it clear it would not be so in the Duggar home.

One thing Amy does have in common with her Duggar cousins is that the public tends to watch her closely for pregnancies. Back in 2015, according to StarPulse, Amy said that her cousins quizzed her after her honeymoon, hoping she was already pregnant.

Though Amy expressed annoyance at that, and at the ongoing questions from the public about when she’s going to have a baby, she revealed in the new episode that, if she’s not exactly adopting the Duggar philosophy of leaving the timing of pregnancy to God, she’s apparently not taking major steps to prevent it.

The following exchange is at the 9:55 mark.

Amy: I’m not on birth control, heck, it could be, tonight!
Dillon: And I don’t wear a condom so there you go.
Amy: It’s true though, we don’t. Like, there is no reason.

At the 36-minute mark, the couple reveals that they’ve already picked baby names, and reiterates that they do have a plan for kids. Closing the podcast, Amy Duggar King slips out one last declaration: “I’m not pregnant!”

[Featured Image by Amy King/Instagram]

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