Poll: Majority Of Americans Believe Country Will Go To War Under Donald Trump

Ever since Donald Trump became the President of the United States, many have wondered what will happen in his administration. Some of Trump’s critics believe that America will be dragged into a war while he’s in office, but would it be his fault? Regardless of whether not you’re liberal or conservative, the fact is that President Donald Trump is now in office, and he is leading the American people. Obviously, there is a wide range of opinions about how well he is doing as president.

However, should we expect Donald Trump to lead America into yet another war? According to a recent poll from NBC News, a huge majority of people believe he will. The poll, which surveyed 11,000 people, found that over 60 percent of the people polled were worried that Trump will get America involved in a war. The poll asked if they were “very worried, somewhat worried, not too worried, or not at all worried.” Thirty-six percent were very worried while 30 percent were somewhat worried. Only 8 percent were not worried at all.

President Donald Trump speaks with President of Russia, Vladimir Putin on the telephone in the Oval Office
[Image by Pete Marovich/Pool CNP/ MediaPunch/IPX/AP Images]

As expected, Democrats were the most concerned group, and 88 percent of those identifying as Democrats believed that Donald Trump will lead America into another war. However, 60 percent of Republicans surveyed said they were not worried that Trump will lead the United States into a war.

The poll also found that over 60 percent of Americans believe we should compromise with our allies to help them out. Of course, allies are allies because we help them and they help us. If there was never a back and forth, then they would be like that guy you spoke to in high school who you sat by in class. He was cool to talk with in class because you had other friends in other classes, but he was useful to have around then. However, you did not see each other after school or hang out at all.

This would make them more of an acquaintance than a friend, and if America wants to remain allies with other nations then they need to give a little here and there, according to Americans. The poll also asked Americans about NATO and if they feel it is good for the United States, which saw 80% of people believe it is good. This was seemingly a bipartisan agreement as well. It seems the Trump administration has strong support for it too.

Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin, right, and Rex Tillerson, ExxonMobil's chief executive smile during meeting.
[Image by Alexei Druzhinin/RIA Novosti/AP Images Pool]

When polled about Russia being a friend or ally to the United States, a lot of interesting numbers were seen. 43% believe Russia is unfriendly while 18% believe they are an enemy to the United States. This is compared to the 28% believing Russia is friendly with 8% considering them an ally. This question was most likely asked due to Donald Trump’s relationship with Russia’s Vladimir Putin.

When just Republicans were polled on this same question, the numbers were insanely close. 51% believe Russia is a friend to the United States while 49% believe they are an enemy. This is compared to the huge difference from Democrats from the poll that have 76% of them believing Russia is an enemy to the United States while 23% believe them to be a friend. It’ll be interesting to see how President Donald Trump responds to this poll, if he sees it.

While President Donald Trump may or may not lead America into another war, there is at least a concern he will by a majority of Americans. The last thing any President wants is to go to war, but if something occurs where one has to, then it may be discussed as an option.

[Featured Image By Evan Vucci/AP Images]

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