‘Paranormal Activity 4’ Clip Explores A Darkened Garage

Paranormal Activity 4, the latest installment in the popular horror franchise, is all set to put the scare on moviegoers this Friday, October 19. To give you yet another glimpse of the unspeakable horrors contained within, a brand new clip from the forthcoming motion picture has been dumped online. If you’re terrified of dark garages, then you’re about to feel your pulse race.

According to Ace Showbiz, the next entry in the never-ending Paranormal Activity franchise takes place in the year 2011. The story picks up five years after the ordeal involving Katie, Micah, Kristi, and Daniel, exploring what, precisely, happened to baby Hunter. Centered around a girl named Alex and her mother, the movie explores the spooky shenanigans that takes place after the pair get to know their new neighbors.

Paranormal Activity 4 was directed by Catfish and Paranormal Activity 3 filmmakers Henry Joost and Ariel Schulman, who are returning once again to elicit fear from Halloween-minded moviegoers. Considering the last entry in the series managed to earn $54 million during its first weekend in theaters, it’s not surprising Paramount Pictures was interested in bringing the duo back for one more go-around.

Much like Alex Cross, the horror movie’s weekend competition, Paranormal Activity 4 isn’t generating solid reviews from the nation’s critics. As of this writing, the film has a Rotten Tomatoes score of only 30 percent. Of course, horror movies are essentially critic proof, so there’s a strong possibility the picture’s demographic doesn’t really care what professionals have to say about the fourth entry in the series.

“Less reliant on slow-burn suspense and larded with fake-out jump scares, this is the first sequel in the series that fails to advance the overall mythology in any meaningful way,” Variety critic Geoff Berkshire wrote in his review of the film.

The latest creepy clip from the movie has been embedded below. Will you venture into darkened theaters this weekend to catch the latest installment of Paranormal Activity?

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