October Terror: TCM Offers Up Classic Horror Flicks Every Wednesday This Month

Every Wednesday this October, the folks at Turner Classic Movies will offer a full day of classic horror flicks for those who need more cinematic scariness in their lives. According to About.com, the cable network has a full stable of frightening motion pictures lined up for the month including the 1939 classic Son of Frankenstein and The Mystery of the Wax Museum. Fans of scary movies will have plenty of options at their disposal.

With Halloween just around the corner, now is the perfect time for Turner Classic Movies to launch their horror movie marathon. Over the course of October, the cable network will air a total of 28 motion pictures designed to scare the living daylights out of viewers.

In addition to the titles listed above, TCM is also scheduled to air such cinematic jewels as The Black Cat, The Fall of the House of Usher, and the Roger Corman adaptation of the Edgar Allen Poe story The Raven. A world of absolute terror awaits viewers every Wednesday during the month of October.

One notable film in TCM’s selection of titles is the 1961 Jack Clayton film The Innocents, which finds Deborah Kerr contending with a number of spooky shenanigans befalling the children she’s charged with protecting. Out of the movies screening on the network this October, The Innocents is certainly one of the spookier efforts.

If you prefer to see your horror films in a darkened theater, Turner Classic Movies has you covered on that end as well. According to the Foster City Patch, TCM recently released a restored version of director Alfred Hitchcock’s classic thriller The Birds into select theaters nationwide. Additionally, Frankenstein and The Bride of Frankenstein are set to send shivers down moviegoers spins on October 24.

For a complete list of Turner Classic Movie’s horror-themed offerings for the month of October as well as general information about the network’s event, be sure to swing by the official website.

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