‘Broken Arrow Killings’: One Of Two Brothers Accused Of Murdering Their Family Pleads Guilty To Murder

Tragedy hit an Oklahoma family on July 22, 2015, after two brothers allegedly murdered their mother, father, and three siblings. One of the brothers finally pleaded guilty to murder and provided a disturbing testimony to investigators, News Channel 4 reports.

Robert Bever and Michael Bever were arrested on accusations they murdered their family, and since then, Robert has finally pleaded guilty to the murder. Oddly, the confession came after his attorney was fighting to have his charges removed, which was quickly denied by the judge.

[Photo by Tulsa County Sheriff’s Office/AP Images]

The police found the dead bodies of David Bever, 52; April Bever, 44; a girl, 5; a boy, 7; and another boy, 12, inside their home on July 22, 2015. The eldest daughter, who was 13 at the time, was found stabbed, but did survive. The boys’ little sister, who was 2 years old at the time, was also found in the home unharmed.

Detectives said that Robert finally pleaded guilty and said he was trying to be the most notorious serial killer. Robert also revealed that he planned on cutting his 2-year-old sister’s head off with an ax, but his plans were interrupted, which was the only reason she lived.

Eric Bentz, a detective, mentioned that Robert wanted to be infamously known as someone notorious.

“He said that if he killed more than one person, it made him like a god.”

Robert also confessed to tricking his siblings into coming out of locked rooms by pretending he was in danger just so he could kill them.

Robert mentioned that he found a job so he could afford to buy weapons online. He mentioned he bought the weapons online so he would not be questioned to confirm his age.

When the ammunition was being sent directly to their home, it forced the brothers to initiate the attack earlier than planned. When the attack was initiated, they planned on storing their dead bodies in bins up in the attic.

Robert did reveal that his father would regularly abuse them physically and verbally. Prior to the boys’ arraignment, which was scheduled for Wednesday at 1:30 p.m., Robert’s attorney requested Robert’s charges be dropped due to being a youthful offender. The judge denied.

This family murder is known as the Broken Arrow killings. According to Tulsa County Jail records, Robert was 18 years old at the time he murdered his family. He was charged with five counts of murder and one count of assault and battery with intention to kill.

According to Tulsa World, Michael Bever was just 16 years old when the mass murder occurred.

Tulsa World also revealed that during the arraignment, detectives testifying for prosecution were questioned by the boys’ attorneys’. The detectives discussed the boys’ lack of friends, isolation from people, how they were home-schooled, and their alleged physical and verbal abuse at home by their father.

The 13-year-old sister was unable to testify, but did tell a detective that Robert once said “there were too many people in this world,” as he stocked up on knives and body armor. She mentioned her concern with her mother about Robert’s collection, but their mother just rubbed it off as if he was a normal boy doing what boys do. The father just complained about the boys wasting their money.

Detective Rhianna Russell recalled parts of that dreadful night based on cross-examination.

When the 5-year-old and 7-year-old locked themselves in their bedroom, Michael Bever allegedly told them that Robert was trying to stab them, so they should let him in. When they opened the door for Michael, he allegedly stabbed both of them.

The 12-year-old hid in his father’s office and was calling the police with Michael’s phone. But when Michael allegedly told him that Robert was looking for him, he partially opened the door and Michael allegedly told Robert, “He’s all yours.” Robert stabbed the boy in his shoulder and in the stomach.

Michael allegedly took the phone into the kitchen and broke it. It was also revealed that the 2-year-old girl’s life was spared because they simply “forgot” about her.

After killing their family, the boys planned to travel to Washington to “go on a killing spree.” They were going to each kill five people while in heavily populated areas. Robert told the Broken Arrow Police Department that he considered killing a hobby.

“He was laughing or chuckling on several occasions. He appeared calm and relaxed and mildly excited when telling the story of the killings.”

Michael, on the other hand, seemed quite upset about his family’s murder and even became physically ill during questioning.

[Photo by Sue Ogrocki/AP Images]

During the arraignment, Robert received a sentence of life in prison without the option for parole.

Michael Bever, on the other hand, is not speaking and the judge marked his plea as not guilty. His trial has been scheduled to start June 5, 2017.

[Photo by Sue Ogrocki/AP Images]

[Photo by Sue Ogrocki/AP Images]

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