‘Big Brother 18’ Spoilers: Paulie Disappears From Live Feeds, ‘BB18’ Fans Panic That He Self-Evicted [Updated]

Big Brother 18 fans have been on high alert every since Paulie Calafiore revealed that he didn’t “plan” on spending most of his summer in the jury house. He acted as if going to the jury house was not something he planned on doing, and it was “above him.” Paulie claimed that he couldn’t go because he is terrified of closed spaces and he was “sure Da’Vonne Rogers and Bridgette Dunning had turned Zakiyah Everette against him.” Even so, Paulie was hanging in there and had a glimmer of hope that either he would escape eviction this week or he would come back with the round trip ticket twist.

Around 4:00 A.M. BBT (Big Brother Time), Paulie entered the diary room. No one saw him exit, and social media is in panic mode preparing for the news that he decided to push the red button and leave the Big Brother house.

It makes sense as to why Paulie would consider self-evicting rather than wait for the live show. Paulie has a massive ego, and much of his self-esteem is wrapped up in the notion that he was “born to play Big Brother.” Being evicted from Big Brother would mean he would have to admit that maybe he isn’t as good at the game as he initially thought.

Last night (August 17), Paulie claimed that he was “pretty sure” he was holding the round trip ticket. He planned his next target and that he would make sure to win the next HOH (Head of Household) competition. He knows that if he does have ethe round trip ticket, Paulie would have to win the next competition to guarantee his safety, or he’d be sent packing during Week 10.

Romper reports that Paulie said numerous times this week that he did not plan on going to the jury house and was scared of facing Zakiyah after everything he said about her. He claimed that he really cared for her, but her jealous side was scary. It doesn’t explain why he made fun of her and would call her a “s**t stain.”

Big Brother 18 spoilers indicate that Paulie believes that the best person to target for the next eviction is Victor Arroyo and Paul Abrahamian. He feels that Paul is the brains behind the operation, and he depends on Victor to win challenges to keep their twosome in control. He believes that Paul has been controlling much of the house for a long time, and now sees how his influence controlled his decisions in the Big Brother game.

Big Brother Network reports that Paulie wants to put up Paul and Victor, with James Huling being the backdoor option if needed. It brings up the question, why would Paulie make a plan to seek revenge with his alleged round trip ticket if he planned on self-evicting just hours before the live show?

Big Brother 18 spoilers indicated that Paulie admitted to having “mental issues” and lying on his Big Brother application about seeing a shrink previously. He revealed that he suffers from depression and “gets sad easily.”

The past few days, Paulie seemed to be in a better place but at bedtime, he believed that James and Natalie had chosen to keep him this week over Corey Brooks. Is it possible that he went to the diary room to quit to avoid going to the jury house? The last time a houseguest went missing for this long was on Big Brother 13 when Evel Dick Donato left the show after receiving a shocking HIV diagnosis.


It looks like he is still in the Big Brother house. When the live feeds returned this morning, Paulie was present. He continued to beg for votes and try to make any deal he can to escape eviction. It will be interesting to see how Paulie handles being evicted tonight because most media outlets are picking Paulie as the one who will likely leave the Big Brother house.

Big Brother 18 fans, who do you think will leave the house this evening, Corey or Paulie? Stick with the Inquisitr for more Big Brother 18 spoilers, news, and daily live feed updates.

[Image via CBS]

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