Orlando Shootings: Politicians React To Senseless Tragedy On Social Media

In the wake of the senseless Orlando shootings that left over 50 dead, U.S. politicians have begun to react on social media. The reactions of politicians are as varied as their political beliefs and platforms, and some are undoubtedly more appropriate than others under the circumstances. Among the most noted social media responses to the Orlando shooting were those that came from the social media accounts of the presumptive 2016 presidential nominees, Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump.

Hillary took to Twitter, sharing her sorrow and condolences with her followers and the world. The Democratic presumptive presidential nominee opted for graciousness and not use the horrific tragedy of the Orlando shootings as a political platform, reports CBS News.

As far as politicians choosing to react to the Orlando shootings, Donald Trump took a different approach. Just after 6:00 a.m., he told the world that there had been a shooting at a club in Orlando, saying that it appeared that there could have been many casualties. When he initially chose to react to the Orlando shootings, Trump didn’t offer condolences or prayers, just commentary.

Orlando Shootings
[Photo by Gerardo Mora/Getty Images]
Then he tweeted again, offering both his prayers and his judgement of the people both involved in the shootings and everyone who hasn’t heeded his political platform talking points.

“When will we get tough, smart & vigilant?”

Finally, Donald Trump used his reaction to the Orlando shooting to bask in some perceived praise.

Not everyone was praising him for how he chose to react to the Orlando shootings, though, with many not believing he was behaving like a politician.

Democratic politician and presidential candidate Bernie Sanders chose to react to the Orlando shootings with shock, disgust, and a call for Americans to unite against violence.

In addition to presidential candidates, many other politicians took to social media to publicly react to the Orlando shootings, many of whom are from Florida. Governor Rick Scott sent his prayers out to victims of the tragedy and their families. According to the Florida politician, the state will be using “every resource” to help everyone impacted by the tragic terrorist attack.

Later in the day, Rick Scott declared a state of emergency in association with the Florida shootings, after they had officially been deemed a terrorist attack.

orlando politicians
[Photo by Gerardo Mora/Getty Images]
Other politicians likewise took to social media in order to publicly react to the Orlando shootings, including Florida Senator and former presidential candidate Marco Rubio, who offered his well-wishes and prayers to those impacted by the shooting; when he chose to react to the tragedy on social media, he also added a call to action that went well above and beyond praying. He asked locals to donate blood to help save the wounded survivors of the largest mass shooting in U.S. history.

Orlando Mayor Buddy Dyer chose to react to the Orlando shooting by both sending out love and prayers to the victims and by telling the world that despite the horrific terrorist shooting, the community would remain united in the face of a cowardly threat. Mayor Dyer went on to praise first responders and other medical professionals for their part in saving so many lives that would have otherwise been lost.

Not everyone who utilized social media to react to the unthinkable Florida shootings were politicians. The world collectively seemed to take to Twitter to send good vibes, thoughts, and prayers for those impacted by the Pulse Nightclub tragedy that killed more than 50 people. Many people chose to react to the news of the senseless deaths with calls for more gun control, often shouting out against the very politicians sending their love and prayers out to the victims of the Orlando shootings. The collective consensus seemed to be that it should be harder for a potential terrorist to get their hands on a gun than it is for a transgender person to pee in North Carolina.

Others, unfortunately, allowed the news of the Orlando shootings to cause them to react with fear and hate, calling on tighter laws against Muslims in the United States. At least one politician reacted to the senseless shooting with a Bible quote used in a hateful, unconscionable context. Texas Lieutenant Governor Dan Patrick posted the following just after the news of the Orlando shootings broke. There was an immediate backlash, reports the Texas Tribune, and the tweet was removed from social media. Dan Patrick tried to assert that the tweet was unrelated to the shootings, but few weren’t buying it given that the politician has a well-established political record of being anti-LGBT.

Representatives of Patrick swear the posts were regularly scheduled Bible verse tweets that ended up being horribly timed in the aftermath of an unforeseen tragedy.

[Image by Dan Patrick/Twitter]
The Orlando shootings took place at Pulse, a known gay nightclub, and most of the victims of the shootings are presumed to be members of the LGBT community. At least 50 people lost their lives in the shootings and 50 more are reported to have been injured.

As the details of the Orlando shootings continue to unfold, it’s inevitable that politicians will continue to use social media to react.

[Photo by Gerardo Mora/Getty Images]

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