SPACEStv Channel Showcases The Most Interesting Apartments In The World

New York City, NY – The most “offbeat” apartments in New York City were compiled into a video showcase by SPACEStv to highlight the most unique and outlandish living spaces in the Manhattan area. The Offbeat Spaces series is touted to include some of the “most interesting rooms in the world.”

The SPACEStv unique apartment series begins with the dwelling considered to be the most outlandish, a “compound” of sorts. The owner turned an old warehouse near MTA train tracks into a massive indoor living and play space. The revamped of the New York warehouse includes an indoor skateboard area complete with a a half pipe and a riding area for a giant tricycle. The creative owner, who also proudly displays a collection of “creepy” biology posters, hopes one day to turn his warehouse home into an investment property.

SPACEStv also included a very small yet welcoming dwelling in its Offbeat Spaces showcase. The owner maximized storage room in the 500 square foot home by installing kitchen cabinets which were once part of a PanAm airplane. The walls in the extremely small home are comprised of moveable white Plexiglas for space-saving efficiency. No need to worry about chilly feet on cold winter mornings; the bathroom floor in the tiny dwelling is heated, The Blaze notes.

Fair Companies is once again featured as a designer of unusual and tiny homes. The newest offering from the group is a repurposed school bus purchased for $3,000. After $9,000 worth of design renovations, the home on wheels now sleeps 10. The school bus home was created as a mortgage free or off-the-grid housing option. The school bus mobile home also boasts a high-tech lifestyle with an energy efficiency mindset.

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