Rape Victim Gets Shocking Revenge, Now She’s Locked Up: Horrifying Details Ahead

A 13-year-old rape victim got a horrifying revenge against her attacker — so horrifying that you’ll probably agree with authorities’ decision to arrest her.

The victim is from the village of Khair within the northern Indian state of Uttar Pradesh. She has been arrested and charged with murder.

Surprisingly, most people agree with authorities for the murder charge when they find out what she allegedly did.

That’s because the young girl reportedly took her revenge not on the actual attacker — a man named Rinku, according to Opposing Views — but on his 5-year-old son.

The rape victim is accused of beheading, burning, and burying the body of the young boy. The alleged rapist had offered the young girl “correction fluid” (or white-out) as a means for getting high, the girl claimed in her statement to police.

When he got her alone, he took advantage of the situation, she said, forcing himself on her.

Rinku didn’t know it at the time, but this alleged action would lead to his son Amit’s death.

The authorities claim that the girl lured Amit away from the home, then assaulted and beheaded him, after which she burned his body, packed it in plastic, and buried it under bricks, the news site notes.

The girl admitted to Amit’s murder in her statement. His body was discovered and dragged out into the open by dogs, the report stated.

Circle Officer OP Singh spoke to the Times of India, offering the following statement.

“Two cases have been registered — one of murder and the other of rape. Both the cases will be investigated. Family of the rape accused met me today alleging that the rape charges are fake. It will be investigated. There are certain things that need to be kept in mind — the girl is a drug addict and has often got into scuffles with people over minor issue — she has got into fights for even [$10]. Her mother is unwell and father a laborer, she is coming from a very poor family background. There is no family discipline either. She has been spotted consuming drugs. A fair inquiry will be done.”

While few have argued with the police’s decision to charge the rape victim with the hideous crime, it has placed an emphasis on the growing problem of rape in India.

According to the National Crime Record Bureau (reported on the website More), crimes against women have increased by more than 7 percent since 2010.

The site also notes that the U.S. has a much greater problem of sexual assault, with 83,425 rapes in a nation of 320 million.

It is an unfortunate and sobering reality that there is never a shortage of rape victim stories to report on. The Inquisitr recently brought you the story of a double rape in India.

Two men are alleged to have kidnapped and taken away on a motorbike a 2-year-old and then left her in a nearby park. The infant was left there bleeding profusely and was taken to hospital immediately.

The 5-year-old girl was allegedly raped by three neighbors who have been identified as Prakash, Rewati, and Sitaram.


The Delhi police are under pressure to do more to prevent these atrocities against children, which are becoming commonplace in what has been deemed the “rape capital” of the world. The Time of India reported early on the incident.

“Police say one of the victim in the two separate attacks, a two-and-a-half year old girl, was abducted in west Delhi on Friday night by two men. She was sexually assaulted before being dumped in a park near her home.”

It is reported that both girls are recovering in hospital following the attacks. It was also reported that on October 13 that a 4-year-old was brutally raped and left in a communal toilet area. This makes three child rapes of infants in the last four days in Delhi.

As for the 13-year-old rape victim, do you think she should be locked up for the rest of her life?

[Image via arindambanerjee / Shutterstock.com]

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