Teen Autocorrects Parents’ Text Messages To Say ‘H*** Yes’ Instead Of ‘No’ And ‘Where The B****** At?’ [Photo]

Those iPhone users familiar with “shortcuts” know that typing “OMW” automatically turns text messages into “On my way!” Visiting Settings > General > Keyboard > Shortcuts shows that typing “syl” returns “see you later” and “ttyl” means “talk to you later” shows up. Well, one smart kid used the shortcuts feature to turn the “no” answers typed by his mom into “h*** yes” and when his dad typed “no” it hilariously showed “where the b****** at” instead.


As seen on Reddit, the user who changed his parents “no” into “h*** yes” titled the Reddit post “Added a shortcut to parents phone every time they type ‘No.’” That post has swelled to more than 340 comments and counting, and it was featured in a segment on the Today show’s trending topics. The Imgur image of the funny texting conversation between the enterprising young man and his parents has received more than 1.5 million views in four days.

As reported by the Daily Mail, the Reddit user who performed this texting autocorrect feat is named Brendan. Brendan thought of a pretty sneaky way to autocorrect his mother’s and father’s texts to say something way different than they intended. The inadvertent texting conversation is obviously a big hit across social media.

The group message to “mom” and “dad” starts out with Brendan asking if he can throw a party the next night.

“Brendan: Hey guys can I throw a party tmrw night.

Mom: H*** yes. Wait. I typed h*** yes.

Brendan: Really?

Mom. H*** yes.”

Then dad chimes in, apparently after getting a phone call or some other communication from mom, who apparently tells dad that her “no” answer is autocorrecting to “h*** yes” for some unknown reason.

“Dad: Brendan, she’s trying to say where the b****** at.

Mom: Jim what is going on. I am saying h*** yes.

Brendan: Thanks you guys are the best.”

The funny exchange shows the best reason why it’s so important for parents to stay on top of technological trends and texting features.


Perhaps now that Brendan’s parents likely know how their son pulled off the autocorrecting feat, they might want to make a visit to his shortcuts feature. Each time Brendan types “no,” maybe they can change it to “sure, I’ll clean my room” and “yes, I’ll do my homework right now.”

The reactions to the texting conversation online are just as funny as the autocorrecting text answers.

“Plot twist: they didn’t have to autocorrect Dad’s phone.”

[Image via Imgur]

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