Kiefer Sutherland Headbutts Fashion Designer at a New York Nightclub

Kiefer Sutherland got a bit tipsy Monday night and ended up in an altercation with clothing designer Jack McCollough, headbutting him in the face so hard it broke his nose.

The MET Ball took place in New York city Monday and there were after-parties galore at numerous nightclubs around the event, but the talk of the internets today is about what transpired at a club called SubMercer, where a fight broke out between Sutherland and McCollough.

There are several reports about what happened, but as far as we can figure out, Brooke Shields was somehow involved as either a witness or a victim, we’re not sure.

All we know is as of Tuesday, Jack McCollough was still in the hospital where he filed a complaint with the police against Kiefer Sutherland.

This could be a pain for Sutherland, since he’s been previously convicted of DUI and is still on parole.

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