‘Big Brother 17’ Spoilers: Week 7 Eviction Plans Solidify, Who’s Heading Out First In Double Eviction?
Thursday night brings a double eviction on Big Brother 17. Spoilers from the live feeds have teased some shake-ups regarding the target for eviction, so everybody will be curious to see just how the votes go. What’s the latest as the eviction show nears?
Becky Burgess originally nominated Steve Moses and Shelli Poole, with the goal to evict Shelli. However, a new plan emerged when Steve won the Power of Veto and took himself off the block. Becky changed course and nominated Vanessa Rousso, fully expecting that she’d have the support to evict Vanessa over Shelli.
However, as Big Brother spoilers have detailed, some of the houseguests did some serious thinking about this plan and decided it may not be in their best interest. After many rounds of discussion, James, Jackie, and Meg, the “Goblins,” decided that as long as they could secure the votes, they should evict Shelli over Vanessa. Has the plan stuck?
Big Brother Network details the latest discussions in the BB17 house. Shelli was doing some campaigning overnight, so she’s realized enough to know that this vote won’t be a slam dunk. Shelli talked with Meg, Jackie, and Becky, making promises about who she would nominate and trying to point out who has been targeting them and who hasn’t.
Vanessa has been making the rounds, as well, and she voices some frustration in not knowing exactly how the votes will go. She’s not fully in the loop in terms of the discussions and alliances that have been made to keep her around, but it is looking like she will survive this first Week 7 eviction.
As Online Big Brother details, James, Jackie, and Meg have had in-depth discussions analyzing the pros and cons of keeping Vanessa over Shelli. They considered bringing Johnny Mac into their group, and they detailed how Shelli waited too long to try to connect with them.
From the sound of things, Becky is still very much in the dark about the shifts in the house, though late into the night she was talking with Meg and James, pushing for a Vanessa eviction. Early Thursday morning, before they went to sleep, the Goblins all determined that they were sticking with their plan to evict Shelli. They’ve mentioned telling Becky at some point before the vote, so fans will have to stay tuned to see if that happens.
As fans know, and houseguests expect, Thursday’s episode will be a double eviction. Who is most at risk of going home in the second vote? As Big Brother Network details, Becky and Johnny Mac are the primary targets at this point, though a lot will depend on the Head of Household winner. Though the majority of the BB17 houseguests are working together to evict Shelli, there is a lot of flawed logic in the decision, and the new HOH could lead things in a new direction in terms of the second eviction.
The Goblins group has even talked about nominating Vanessa should they win HOH, and they’ve got some support on that front. Austin is nudging them to go after John or Becky, and the new HOH will have little time to make any decisions.
Which group will be in power by the time two more houseguests are evicted on Thursday night? Week 7 has brought some interesting twists and turns, and everybody will be anxious to see how things come together for Week 8. Tune in to Big Brother 17 airing Thursday night to see just how these next two votes play out.
[Photos via Shaw Media]