‘Big Brother 17’ Spoilers: Week 7 Nominations Declare War In ‘BB17’ House

Big Brother 17 spoilers from early Saturday morning (August 8) begin with the latest BB17 nominations. The Week 7 nominees aren’t too surprising at this point, as the new Head of Household telegraphed which direction she wanted to go. As previously reported by the Inquisitr, Becky Burgess won the endurance competition following the August 6 episode on CBS. It gave her the power to continue what James Huling started in Week 6 when he nominated Shelli Poole and Clay Honeycutt for eviction. Clay is now gone, leaving Shelli and Vanessa Rousso as the big targets for the other side of the house.

A report from fan site Big Brother Network confirms that Becky is continuing with her plan. She nominated Shelli and Steve Moses for eviction, letting Steve know in advance that he is serving as a pawn. He has also been told that Vanessa is the ultimate target in Week 7, with a “backdoor” plan being executed by most of the BB17 house. The plan is for one of the people in that alliance to win the Veto later on Saturday and then use it to save Steve. That would then place Vanessa on the block with no way of saving herself.

For fans watching the live feeds, this is obviously what was intended if someone from the alliance of Becky Burgess, James Huling, Meg Maley, and Jackie Ibarra won the HOH. Previous Big Brother 17 spoilers have certainly hinted at the house finally waking up to Shelli Poole and Vanessa Rousso controlling the BB17 house for several weeks. They didn’t figure it out early enough to save Jason Roy from getting evicted, but now the alliance has been able to get stronger and to figure out a strategy that appears to be working really well.

Unless something really shocking happens at the Veto competition later on August 8, it appears that either Shelli or Vanessa will become the first member of the Big Brother jury this season. The only way for them to both be safe is if Vanessa gets picked for the Veto, wins the necklace, and then uses it to save Shelli. Then Becky and her alliance will have to shift gears and nominate one of Austin Matelson, Julia Nolan, or Liz Nolan to be evicted.

It’s exciting for fans that nearly everyone in the BB17 house has started to really play the game now. It could lend to some exciting Big Brother 17 spoilers in the near future, especially after host Julie Chen just let CBS viewers know that a double eviction is coming.

[Image Source: CBS Big Brother Press Kit]

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