Shaquille O’Neal A 9/11 Truther? Former Basketball Star Under Fire For Blog Post

Former basketball star Shaquille O’Neal is receiving a lot of heat from his fans about a post on his personal blog, which has since been removed, indicating that 9/11 was an inside job.

According to CBS Cleveland, O’Neal’s blog published an article called “A Close Up Video Was Discovered Of 9/11: You Won’t Believe What It Shows,” which was also promoted on his official Facebook page. It featured a slowed-down video of United Airlines Flight 175 hitting the South Tower. Shaquille’s post mentions that “two impossibilities” are noticed in the video.

“Supposedly the materials that the buildings are made of wouldn’t allow a plane to slice through it as cleanly as flight 175 did. The second impossibility is something easily missed, even though you’ve probably seen the replay a million times when it happened. The guy in the video did a screen grab so you can see it perfectly. The way it appeared just wasn’t right.”

It then asks the reader if he or she believes 9/11 was “an inside job,” or if the video tries to make people believe it was.

One may assume that the article was written by Shaquille O’Neal himself, but his posts don’t have a byline attached to them. The article has since been removed from O’Neal’s website and Facebook page, and he has released a statement in which he apologized and called it “insulting and offensive,” according to Deadspin.

“Once I learned that it was on my Facebook page and blog, I ordered it removed and fired the firm that posted it. I am not and have never been a ‘9/11 truther.’ My father served our country and I am immensely proud of the sacrifices people make daily to keep us safe. The events of 9/11 were a horrible tragedy for our nation and it’s a disgrace that anyone would think otherwise.”

Even though O’Neal has removed the article from his page, that hasn’t stopped his Facebook fans from calling him out on it, according to

“I’m pretty sure the families are sick to death of all the conspiracy theories as well. So was the 1993 attack an inside job too? Bin Laden kept trying until he succeeded… and that sadly was 9/11.”

“Mr. O’Neal, I have tons and tons of respect for you, but this is really low class of you.”

But Shaquille O’Neal has also had some people come out and support his 9/11 post.

“Thanks for posting about 9/11, I support it a hundred (sic) percent. Don’t listen to haters. We know the truth!”

Another pointed out that the video featured on O’Neal’s blog contained false information.

“If you are going to post about 9/11, I highly suggest you stick with solid facts that can’t be attacked by the (mainstream media).”

Do you think Shaquille O’Neal’s 9/11 post was offensive?

[Photo by Kevin Winter/Getty Images]

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